When a user comes to my website, I want images from my database matched to their location. Can anyone show me how to accomplish this?
Category: javascript
Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign
How to display image selected on input?
Im trying to display the image selected, but I keep getting the following error:
Not allowed to load local resource:
Any ideas why?
<input type='file' id='fileName' name='fileName' capture='user' accept='image/*' onchange="document.getElementById('myImg').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])">
<p><img src='#' id='myImg'></p>
js I only get the selected index once [closed]
I have 2 select items.
The first one is the Handy. The Second is the Brand.
if I click on Samsung, then automatically the second select should select the index Samsung.
It works, but if I select another handy and then I go again to samsung the index are not change. Every brand works but only once, then the index stays the same.
.filter(x => x.value === content.records[0].id_brand)[0]
.setAttribute('selected', true);
Cleaner way to remove 2nd word from string. Currently using split, splice, then join
I have a function to always remove the 2nd word from a sentence.
public cleanMessage(message) {
let cleanedMessage: any = message.split(' ');
cleanedMessage.splice(1, 1);
cleanedMessage = cleanedMessage.join(' ');
return cleanedMessage;
cleanMessage('Hello there world')
// outputs 'Hello world'
Is there a cleaner way of doing this?
How can I persist a selected value from a create product form?Node js
Im trying to validate a form to create a “new product”, but I need that all body info persist if somebody send the form but have errors.
The only input that I cant persist yet it’s the “select” one and its option :/
Leave the code down, if somebody can help me, i’ll really appreciate it!
Iterating same function over multiple object paramaters – error after first iteration
I’m trying to write a piece of code that will run output the results of a function “recipeGen()” multiple times for each member of an object.
The code I have written can output the name of each member of the object I want to effect if told to log to console, but will only run the desired function once before giving me an “uncaught typeError”
How can I change this so that my code outputs “recipeGen()” for every sub member of “recipes”?
Thanks in advance for any help.
p.s. the recipes object I am using is larger than the one posted here but in exactly the same format all the way through. In current state my code will output recipeGen() for the first member “roastRosemaryPotatoes” and give the error when attempting to run the function for the next object.
p.p.s I have also tried using 2 x for/in loops with the same result, hence the Object.keys usage in the second half of function
function outputAllRecipes() {
for (type in recipes) {
let recipeArray = Object.keys(recipes[type])
for (let i = 0; i < recipeArray.length; i++) {
function recipeGen(recipe) {
let output = `<div class="recipe-box">`
output += `<h3>${recipe.name}</h3>`
output += `<div class="ingredient-list"><h4>Ingredients:</h4>`
output += listIngredArray(recipe) + `</div>`
output += `<h4>Method:</h4>`
output += recipe.method + `</div>`
return output
let recipes = {
side: {
roastRosemaryPotatoes: {
name: "Roast Rosemary Potatoes",
serves: 2,
ingredients: [
['potato', 3],
['rosemary', 1],
['oliveOil', 30],
['saltPepper', 0]
method: `<ol>
<li> Preheat oven to 180 degrees</li>
<li> Cut potatoes in to bite sized chunks</li>
<li> In a large bowl, toss the potatoes, rosemary, salt and pepper untill evenly coated</li>
<li> Roast at 180 for ~20 minutes, then turn oven up to 220 degrees and roast for a further 15 - 20 minutes</li>
<li> Serve</li>
mashedPotAndsweetPotato: {
name: "Mashed Potato and Sweet Potato",
serves: 2,
ingredients: [
['potato', 2],
['sweetPotato', 1],
['butter', 25],
['saltPepper', 2]
method: `<ol>
<li> Roughly dice the potato and steam in a steamer until tender (15 - 20 minutes)</li>
<li> In a large bowl, add the potatoes, butter and salt and pepper to the potatoes and mash with a potato masher in to a puree.
(if you do not have a potato masher, you can use a fork, or a wooden spoon but the result will be quite lumpy. I like potatoes this way but YMMV)</li>
<li> Serve</li>
How do I overlay an image over a canvas
I have a canvas that shows matrix binary code raining down. I would like to add an image over the canvas in question
This is what I have
<div class="rain">
<canvas id="Matrix"></canvas>
<div class ="imgclass">
<img class="imgclass" src="assets/image.jpg"/>
JavaScript for the canvas
const canvas = document.getElementById('Matrix');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
const nums = '0123456789';
const alphabet = latin + nums;
const fontSize = 16;
const columns = canvas.width/fontSize;
const rainDrops = [];
for( let x = 0; x < columns; x++ ) {
rainDrops[x] = 1;
const draw = () => {
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.fillStyle = '#0F0';
context.font = fontSize + 'px monospace';
for(let i = 0; i < rainDrops.length; i++)
const text = alphabet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length));
context.fillText(text, i*fontSize, rainDrops[i]*fontSize);
if(rainDrops[i]*fontSize > canvas.height && Math.random() > 0.975){
rainDrops[i] = 0;
setInterval(draw, 30);
and the CSS:
.rain {
background: black;
height: 40%;
overflow: hidden;
canvas {
background-image: url("assets/img.jpg");
Right now the image in question appears below the canvas as opposed to on the canvas (ie. in the middle).
How Can I configure multter to upload files in the buffer using memoryStorage?
I have a problem, I need to use multer to store files given, in the buffer. Someone suggest me to use memoryStorage from multer but I don`t know how to configure it to this task.
Using Firebase as backend vs coding own backend system – What’s better?
I’m aiming to build a calendar Flutter app, which offers user authentication. As I’m a total beginner if it comes to backend programming, I thought of using Firebase. However, while informing myself about it, I read that using Firebase has plenty disadvantages like:
- data migration problems
- pricing
- limited querying capabilities
Hence I’m intending to learn more about REAL backend development and bumped into express, MongoDB and node.js, which was very interesting, especially for my project.
My problem though is that I would have to host my rest API with e.g Heroku, which is way too expensive for me, including the pricing for MongoDB. Furthermore, I’d have to build my own authentication system with JWT, of which I’m not sure if it can be as safe as Google’s Firebase. :/
Now my question is:
Do you guys think that Firebase is enough for my project, or is it cleverer to invest into MongoDB and Heroku? Other backend approaches are obviously welcome too! 🙂
After I refresh, the toggle text functionality is restored
To hide the unnecessary columns, I’m using a javascript toggle text on my gallery filter, which works flawlessly. However, the columns expand every time I refresh the page, and I have to click show all then hide all to get it to work. And the reason I did two rows is that if I insert the showmore id in the middle of the columns, after I press show all, they will display one column on each line, however in this method all the columns will display normally. I tried changing the display value in the java script to many other values, but it is still not working properly. Do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this?
function togglesec1() {
var showMoreText = document.getElementById("showmore");
var buttonText = document.querySelector("#moreBtn p");
var moreIcon = document.querySelector("#moreBtn img");
if (startsec.style.display === "none") {
showMoreText.style.display = "none";
startsec.style.display = "inline";
buttonText.innerHTML = "Show More";
} else {
showMoreText.style.display = "inline";
startsec.style.display = "none";
buttonText.innerHTML = "Show Less";
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How to filter my json data by sector in handlebars using data-filter attribute?
Here is my HTML handlebar code, fetching data from JSON data, I can fetch all data from json, however, I would like to filter by sector and show them. Can we use data-filter attribute? How we could give an id to each object in json file?
<li><a href="#" data-filter="*" class="active">All</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-filter=".coffe-rest">Coffee-Restaurant</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-filter=".bars">Bars</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-filter=".takeaway">Takeaway</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-filter=".residantial">Residantial</a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-filter=".commercial">Commercial</a></li>
{{#each all_projects}}
Also here is my jquery ;
$(document).ready(function() {
var projectTemplate = $("#project-template").html()
var compiledProjectTemplate = Handlebars.compile(projectTemplate);
var $projectList = $(".projects-feed")
var projectId = getParameterByName(“id”);
console.log(“project id: “, projectId)
$.ajax("data.json").done((project) => {
if($("body").hasClass("project-details")) {
} else {
enter image description here
Thank you for all your answers..
React API call is going on multi loop inside a function
I am calling an API that is displaying ID and Name in the table. I want to perfor sorting. I am using Material UI table. When the handleTableChange function triggers the API call(apiCall) inside this function goes on loop.
In the handleTableChange function I am performing sorting on each column and showing the 10 records per page
What is the write approch to make this call?
function Schedules(props) {
const [scheduleList, setScheduleList] = useState([]);
const [totalSize, setTotalSize] = useState(0);
const [sortQuery, setSortQuery] = useState("&sortDirection=desc");
const [reqParams, setReqParams] = useState("?offset=0&limit=10");
useEffect(() => {
apiCall(reqParams + sortQuery);
}, []);
let apiCall = (reqParams) => {
schedules.getSchedule("/xxxx" + reqParams)
.then((res) => {
console.log(res, 'res schedule');
if (res.data.metadata.outcome.status === 200) {
} else {
const handleTableChange = (tableFactors) => {
if (Object.keys(tableFactors).length === 0) {
const { recordsPerPage, currentPage } = tableFactors;
//function for sort the columns
let sortingQuery = "";
if (tableFactors.sortData !== undefined) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tableFactors.sortData)) {
if (value !== "default" && key.includes("sort")) {
sortingQuery += `&sort=${key.replace(
// function for record per page
var offset = 0;
let limit = recordsPerPage || 10;
if (currentPage) {
offset = (currentPage - 1) * limit;
let reqPerPage = "?offset=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit;
apiCall(reqPerPage + sortingQuery);
return (
noDataText="No records found"
defaultSort={{ cret_ts: "desc" }}
apiKey: "id",
columnText: "ID",
sort: true,
hidden: false,
filter: "text",
apiKey: "name",
columnText: "Name",
sort: true,
filter: "text",
hidden: false,
export default Schedules;
How to mock Node’s worker_thread in Jest?
I have a worker_thread
like this:
const worker = new Worker(path.resolve(__dirname, "worker.mjs"))
.on("message", (data) => {
this.date = data;
Inside that worker.mjs
, I run a REST API GET
request, and some other formatting logic on the data retrieved.
and I want to mock it in Jest, I tried:
import path from "path";
import { MyModule } from "./MyModule";
describe("MyModule", () => {
jest.mock(path.resolve(__dirname, "worker.mjs"));
it("1st spec", () => {
But when I run the test, jest
doesn’t mock the worker, jest
goes inside the worker code and actually executes the API call.
What is missing?
CSS HTML TABLE Row Drop Down Hidden
This should seem simpler. But I can’t find resolve online.
Just trying to have a new drop down row to enter some data on a form.
Should be simple. But the drop down shows in the first cell only.
Even when using colspan=5.
Or is there a better way? Thx for any help.
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7 border=1>
<tr bgcolor=#efefef>
<td>MORE DATA</td>
<button onclick="javascript:showElement('abcdata')" style="padding:4px" class=verd8> SHOW NEW ROW </button>
<td>Jan 22, 2022</td>
<td>SOME DATA</td>
<td>SOME MORE</td>
<tr id="abcdata" style="display:none;">
<td colspan=5>
SHOW NEW ROW ACROSS ALL CELLS : sfdgsdfgs hlahhfa la dfl dfljhsd flhsd flhsdf lhdsfh asf alhd a</td>
“Http failure during parsing” NodeJS + Angular + CPanel
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpHeaders, HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
private http: HttpClient
) { }
private API_GET_BARCO_BY_CANTIDAD = `${GlobalVariables.URL_NODE}/barco/encontrar/c/?barcosC=`;
private header = new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
public getBarcoByC(cantidad: Number): Observable<any> {
return this.http.get<any>(this.API_GET_BARCO_BY_CANTIDAD + cantidad, { headers: this.header });
const router = Router();
const Barco = require('../models/Barco')
router.get("/barco/encontrar/c/", getBarcosByC);
async function getBarcoBy(req, res) {
try {
let id = req.params.id;
const barco = await Barco.findById(id, function (err, docs) {
if (err) {
console.log(`n[BarcosApi Error] Found Barco By Id(${id}):n`,err)
} else {
console.log(`n[BarcosApi] Found Barco By Id(${id}):n`, docs)
}).clone().catch(function (err) { console.log(err) })
if ('err' in barco) return res.status(barco.codestatus).json(barco.err);
return res.status(200).json(barco);
} catch (err) {
console.log("[BarcosApi] getBarcoByError", err);
Console: temp0.error.text
Gives back the whole index.html page as error.text
All GET requests have the same respond(index.html), while POST, UPDATE, DELETE works flawlessly