Best way to restrict page access?

I’m designing a website with a form component that redirects to a “failure” or “success” component based on whether the form submits without an error or not. Here is the code I’m using:

                  await'/api/patients/', data, axiosConfig)
                  .then((response) => {
                  .catch((error) => {

This works well even when I intentionally make a bad request by turning my network off or changing the route. However, I can type in the “/success” route in my browser and access it whether or not I’ve submitted the form. How do I restrict this behavior?

How Can I Display Images When Clicked?

I am trying to develop a card matching game. I watched a Youtube Tutorial about it. But the cards does not show up even if I write the exact code from the video. The aim is matching two same characters. The characters should show up when a portal is clicked. So what’s the problem here? Here is my JavaScript code:


    const cardArray = [
            name: 'beth',
            img: 'images/beth.png'

            name: 'beth',
            img: 'images/beth.png'

            name: 'jerry',
            img: 'images/jerry.png'

            name: 'jerry',
            img: 'images/jerry.png'

            name: 'morty',
            img: 'images/morty.png'

            name: 'morty',
            img: 'images/morty.png'

            name: 'mrpoopybutthole',
            img: 'images/mrpoopybutthole.png'
            name: 'mrpoopybutthole',
            img: 'images/mrpoopybutthole.png'

            name: 'rick',
            img: 'images/rick.png'

            name: 'rick',
            img: 'images/rick.png'

            name: 'summer',
            img: 'images/summer.png'
            name: 'summer',
            img: 'images/summer.png'

cardArray.sort(()=> 0.5 - Math.random());

const grid = document.querySelector('.grid');
const resultDisplay = document.querySelector('#result');
var cardsChosen = [];
var cardChosenId = [];
var cardsWon = [];

function createBoard() {
    for(let i=0; i<cardArray.length; i++){
        var card = document.createElement('img');
        card.setAttribute('data-id', i);
        card.addEventListener('click', flipCard);

function checkForMatch(){
    var cards = document.querySelectorAll('img');
    const optionOneId = cardsChosenId[0];
    const optionTwoId = cardsChosenId[1];

    if (cardsChosen[0] === cardsChosen[1]) {
        alert('You found a match');
        cards[optionOneId].setAttribute('src', 'images/white.png');
        cards[optionTwoId].setAttribute('src', 'images/white.png');

   else {
       cards[optionOneId].setAttribute('src', 'images/portal.png');
       cards[optionTwoId].setAttribute('src', 'image/portal.png');
       alert('Sorry, try again');

   cardsChosen = [];
   cardChosenId= [];
   resultDisplay.textContent = cardsWon.length;

   if (cardsWon.length === cardArray.length/2){
        resultDisplay.textContent = 'Congratulations! You found them all!';


function flipCard(){
    var cardId= this.getAttribute('data-id');

    if(cardsChosen.length === 2){



Create a function that follows a moving text on a table

I found a function to move data between table cells but the functions never seem to stick to whatever tag is “attached” to the cell itself. I’m not sure if I was using ids wrong. I need help finding a way to “attach” a function to a tag that moves between cells.
Can you help me create a button to move a tag (unit 1) upwards and downwards through a table such that it stops at the end of the table?

Original code attached here

//Send to the "bottom"
function sendOS() {
  var node = document.getElementById("r1c1").lastChild;
    var node = document.getElementById("r1c3").lastChild;

//Send to the "top"
function sendTop() {
  var node = document.getElementById("r1c2").lastChild;
td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  <tr id="row1">
    <td id="r1c1">Unit1</th>
      <td id="r1c2">Unit2</th>
        <td id="r1c3">Unit3</th>
  <tr id="row2">
    <td id="r2c1">r1c2</td>
    <td id="r2c2">r2c2</td>
    <td id="r2c2">r2c3</td>
  <tr id="row3">
    <td id="r2c2">r3c1</td>
    <td id="r2c2">r3c2</td>
    <td id="r2c2">r3c3</td>
<!--Table ends -->

<button onclick="sendOS()">move to the other side</button>
<button onclick="sendTop()">move to the right</button>

axios set custom cookies

Im trying to set a custom cookie, for axios requests. But it’s not working.

Thats my code

const axios = require('axios');
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;

const client = axios.create({
    withCredentials: true

let url = '';

    .get(url, {
        headers: {
            Cookie: [
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true,
            'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept',
    .then(res => {
        console.log(res.headers['set-cookie']); // Im getting "undefined"
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

i tried different ways, but have no luck. maybee any one know how i can set custom cookies in axios? or recommend a better library to do that..

Filter timestamp from sql database and extract as a list in python

I have an sql database from node red. The table of the database contains a column with javascript timestamps e.g. 1641154320892. Another column of the table contains temperature values. I’d like to select temperature values of a specific time period.

I tried the following code:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/ktm/Developing/test/home_automation.db')
print ("Opened database successfully")
conn.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0]
c = conn.cursor()
ids = c.execute('SELECT Buero_temp FROM home_automation WHERE Zeitstempel BETWEEN '2022-01-05' AND '2022-01-07';').fetchall()
for i in ids:
    print (i)

Unfortunately, I get “SyntaxError: invalid syntax”

What am I doing wrong?

AJAX: Posts are sent empty

I am using AJAX for the first time and try to send data to my PHP controller with an XMLHttpRequest. Unfortunately, the data arrives empty there.

           request.onload = () => {
                let responseObject = null;

                try {
                    responseObject = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
                } catch (e) {
                    console.error('Could not parse JSON!');

                if (responseObject) {

            const requestData = `title=${this._title.value}&reference=${this._reference.value}&area=${this._area.value}`;

  'post', 'checknews');
            request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

Whats wrong ?

p5.js: Why can’t I use my ‘brush’ while background() is called in the draw() function?

I’m creating a painting app using the p5.js editor, and I want to be able to customise both the background and draw using various brushes etc.

The problem is, when I include background(variable) into the draw() function, I can only change the background, but cannot draw.

When I remove it so that it is only included in the setup, I can draw once again, but cannot change the background colour.

Is there a way to include both, perhaps in different functions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been stuck on this for days!!

Here is my code:

let whiteB;
let redB;
let yellowB;
let blueB;
let blackB;
let greenB;
let pinkB;
let brownB;
let bucket;

let brushSize;

let rSlide, gSlide, bSlide;
let r, g, b;

let imgLego;
let imgPalette;
let fontHead;
let fontMid;
let fontSub;
let x;

let legohead;
let lucky;

function preload() {
  imgLego = loadImage("images/lego.png");
  imgBucket = loadImage("images/bucket.png");
  fontHead = loadFont("fonts/shizuru.ttf");
  fontMid = loadFont("fonts/concertOne.ttf");
  fontSub = loadFont("fonts/gloria.ttf");
}// close preload function

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1000, 600);

  x = 10;
  // create the slider for the brush size
  brushSize = createSlider(1, 100, 20);

  // create the sliders for red, gree, blue values
  rSlide = createSlider(0, 255, 0);
  gSlide = createSlider(0, 255, 0);
  bSlide = createSlider(0, 255, 0);

  // position the sliders
  rSlide.position(x, x * 20);
  gSlide.position(x, x * 22);
  bSlide.position(x, x * 24);
  brushSize.position(x, x * 26);

  // variables to hold the colour (background)
  r = 255;
  g = 255;
  b = 255;
  // variables to hold the colour (random button)
  r1 = random(0,255);
  g1 = random(0,255);
  b1 = random(0,255);
  // color variables for fill bucket
  whiteB = color(255);
  redB = color(255,0,0);
  yellowB = color(246, 236, 54);
  blueB = color(0,0,255);
  blackB = color(0);
  greenB = color(0,170,35);
  pinkB = color(255,53,184);
  brownB = color(155,103,60);
  bucket = whiteB;


function draw() {
  // yellow rectangle acting as margin
  rect(0, 0, 250, height)
  // poisition the text & value of slider
  textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
  text("red : " + rSlide.value(), x*2 + rSlide.width, x*20);
  text("green : " + gSlide.value(), x*2 + gSlide.width, x*22);
  text("blue : " + bSlide.value(), x*2 + bSlide.width, x*24);
  text("brush : " + brushSize.value(), x*2 + brushSize.width, x*26);

  // read the value of the slider and store it in a variable
  r = rSlide.value();
  g = gSlide.value();
  b = bSlide.value();
  // customise "background" text
  text("BRUSH COLOR", 20, 175);
  // red "navbar"
  // customse "sketch" text
  text("SKETCH", 180, 10)
  // customse "random" text
  text("random", 850, 550);
  // images
  image(imgBucket, 930, 40, 40, 40);
  image(imgLego, 20, 15, 160, 90);
  //**lego block top right corner**//
  // yellow block
  fill(246, 236, 54);
  // paint buttons
  // white button
  if (mouseX > 750 && mouseX < 790 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 60 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = whiteB;
  // red button
  if (mouseX > 790 && mouseX < 830 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 60 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = redB;
  // yellow button
  if (mouseX > 830 && mouseX < 870 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 60 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = yellowB;
  // blue button
  if (mouseX > 870 && mouseX < 910 && mouseY > 20 && mouseY < 60 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = blueB;
  // black button
  if (mouseX > 750 && mouseX < 790 && mouseY > 60 && mouseY < 100 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = blackB;
  // green button
  if (mouseX > 790 && mouseX < 830 && mouseY > 60 && mouseY < 100 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = greenB;
  // pink button
  if (mouseX > 830 && mouseX < 870 && mouseY > 60 && mouseY < 100 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = pinkB;
  // brown button
  if (mouseX > 870 && mouseX < 910 && mouseY > 60 && mouseY < 100 && mouseIsPressed) { 
  bucket = brownB;
} // close draw function

function mouseDragged() {
  line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY)
} // close mouseDragged function

Get nested button id in header

So I’m trying to reference my button (which is nested inside my header/nav), to make an event onclick, but I cant seem to get it to work. Tried nesting getElementByName with getelementbyid tried some queryselector and querySelectorAll been watching a lot of videos and tutorials don’t know if I’m just doing them wrong thanks.


var x = document.getElementsByClassName('hdr');
var y= x.querySelector('hdrBtns');
z = y.getElementById('singUp');


const brt = document.querySelectorAll('.hdr .hdrBtns');
const dac = brt.getElementById('signUp');

Code Underneath:

        <header class="hdr">
            <div class="hLogo">

            <nav class="hdrBtns">
                <button id="singUp">Sign Up</button>
                <button id="singIN">Sign In</button> 
     <script src="./script.js"></script>

Find JSON values return as strings [duplicate]

I am trying to read the JSON data to find how many instances each trait_type’s value appears for each nth edition and send the value to the HTML table as a string with the trait_type value’s ID. The filter function currently returns 0 for each value.

var data = [
    edition: 1,
    attributes: [
        trait_type: "hair",
        value: "mullet"
        trait_type: "hat",
        value: "cap"
var mullet = data.filter(function (d) {
    return d.value === "mullet";
  cap = data.filter(function (d) {
    return d.value === "cap";

document.getElementById("mullet").innerText = mullet;
document.getElementById("cap").innerText = cap;
  <dd id="mullet"></dd>
  <dd id="cap"></dd>

firebase functions, cant resolve module?

Im having an annoying problem which i’ve spent most of my day trying to solve without any luck – Also tried searching for a solution here and on Google, but without any luck, or at least all solution tried out didn’t work.

When running my function, the firebase function log is telling me:

Cannot find module 'mailgun.js'

I have no idea why it won’t resolve the module as it exist in the package.json file.

From the package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "firebase-admin": "^9.8.0",
    "firebase-functions": "^3.14.1",
    "form-data": "^4.0.0",
    "mailgun.js": "^4.1.4"

I’ve have done a npm install inside the functions folder, and it deploys without problems, so the problem is when calling the function…

The code is:

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import Mailgun from "mailgun.js";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const formData = require("form-data");

const domain = "";
const mgClient = new Mailgun(formData);

const mg = mgClient.client({
  key: "mykey",
  username: "api",
  public_key: "mypublickey",

export const sendWelcomeEmailToClient = functions.https.onCall(
    async (email: string) => {
      return mg.messages.create(domain, {
        from: "Task System",
        to: email,
        subject: "Testing",
        html: "Dette er en test",

Please note, i’ve also tried doing a require instead of import on mailgun.js like so, but didn’t work either:

const Mailgun = require("mailgun.js");

How to iterate over array elements inside objects in javascript

I have a graphData array and I would like to push the close price array values of this response data I got from finhub into the x key of the graphData and the timestamps into the y key of the graphData array.

so it would be like this: graphData[{x:timestamp, y:closing price}]

So essentially I want to have the x values of graphData to be the timestamp each stock and the y values of graphData to be the closing price of each stock so that I can graph it

This is the Line Graph I am using from chartjs:

return (
<div className="linegraph">
      datasets: [
          type: "line",
          backgroundColor: "black",
          borderColor: "#5AC53B",
          borderWidth: 2,
          pointBorderColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
          pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
          pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#5AC53B",
          pointHoverBorderColor: "#000000",
          pointHoverBorderWidth: 4,
          pointHoverRadius: 6,
          data: graphData,
      maintainAspectRatio: false,
      legend: {
        display: false,
      tooltips: {
        mode: "index",
        intersect: false,
      scales: {
        yAxes: [
            gridLines: {
              display: false,


Any kind of help will be appreciated. I am sorry if I could not word the question properly. English is not my first language and if you need any additional information to understand me properly please ask

How to find document’s array item by its “_id” field in MongoDB (Mongoose)?

I have the following schema (NestJS + Mongoose):

@Schema({ timestamps: true })
export class Listing {
        type: [{
            bidderId: { type: Types.ObjectId, required: true, select: false, ref:, index: true },
            amount: { type: Number, required: true },
            date: { type: Date, required: true }
        select: false
        bids!: Bid[]

so basically every listing document has an array of bids.
now I notice that automatically mongoDB (or mongoose) creates _id field for every bid item I put into the bids array.

My question is, If I have a bid’s _id, how can I query it’s item from the listing’s bids array? something like:

  // Adding a new bid to the listing, and retrieving the updated listing
  const listingWithAddedBid = await this.listingModel.findByIdAndUpdate(listingId, {
    $push: {
        bids: {
            $each: [{
                amount: bidInfo.amount,
                bidderId: new Types.ObjectId(,
                date: new Date()
            $sort: { amount: -1 }
}, { new: true })

  // Getting the new bid's _id from the array (it will be at index 0 because we sort buy amount)
  const newBidId = listingWithAddedBid.bids[0]._id

  // here how can I query the entire bid item from the array with 'newBidId'? this won't work
  this.listingModel.findById(newBidId) // returns null

Export or import trouble with jsx files

I try to import some components into my App.js file from index2.js(export .jsx collection) where I can import only one component to see something on website – when I want import more, the page is white / empty, but if I import only Navbar.jsx component that’s work.

File structure:






import react from "react";
import reactDom from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
import App from "./App"
import 'antd/dist/antd.min.css';
        <App />


import React from 'react'
import { Routes, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Layout, Typography, Space } from 'antd'
import { Cryptocurrencies, Cryptodetails, Exchanges, Homepage, Navbar, News } from './components'
import './App.css';

const App = () => {
    return (
            <div className='app'>
                <div className='navbar'>
                    <Navbar />
                <div className='main'>
                    <div className='routes'>
                            <Route path='/'>
                                <Homepage />
                            <Route path='/exchanges'>
                                <Exchanges />
                            <Route path='/cryptocurrencies'>
                                <Cryptocurrencies />
                            <Route path='/crypto:coinId'>
                                <Cryptodetails />
                            <Route path='/news'>
                                <News />
                <div className='footer'>


export default App


export { default as Cryptocurrencies } from './Cryptocurrencies'
export { default as Cryptodetails } from './Cryptodetails'
export { default as Exchanges } from './Exchanges'
export { default as Homepage } from './Homepage'
export { default as Navbar } from './Navbar'
export { default as News } from './News'

The .jsx files are created by using default rafce.

Not working code (App.js):

import { Cryptocurrencies, Cryptodetails, Exchanges, Homepage, Navbar, News } from './components'
uncommented code with Layout part in div ``main`` class

Working code (App.js):

import { Navbar } from './components'
//commented code with Layout part in div ``main`` class

Please, explain me where have make an error. Thanks!

Is it possible to have nested enum in Typescript?

Having those enums:

export enum First {
  TEST_1 = 'test_1',
  TEST_2 = 'test_2'

export enum Second {
  TEST_3 = 'test_3',
  TEST_4 = 'test_4'

is it possible to combine them into a single one?

Something like:

export enum Main {
  First {
    TEST_1 = 'test_1',
    TEST_2 = 'test_2'
  Second {
    TEST_3 = 'test_3',
    TEST_4 = 'test_4'

React – Sending uploaded images as url to an API

I am sending multiple images to an API but the way I do it sends it as an object but I need to send it as a URL.


const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);

Image uploader:

 const fileSelectHandler = (e) => {


Expected sending package:

"pic": [
                "url": "760634d2-f8ec-4caa-9a2d-14a8828cfb5dpetplace.jpg"
                "url": "760634d2-f8ec-4caa-9a2d-14a8828cfb5dpetplace.jpg"