Iterating over a styled component in REACT produces warning “Over 200 classes were generated for component”

I’m new to React and am trying to animate some elements from an array using the ReShake.js library. Here’s my code:

import { ShakeHorizontal } from 'reshake'
const state = {
    invalidWordSubmitted: true,
const isInvalidWordSubmitted = () => {
  return state.invalidWordSubmitted ? '.invalidWordSubmitted' : ''


// here is the bit that I think is causing the problem:

           <div id="gameBoard" className="gameBoard">         
        {, rowNumber) =>
, colNumber) => (
              )} letterTile`}
              <ShakeHorizontal trigger={`${isInvalidWordSubmitted()}`}>

It works ok, but there is serious lag in the browser, and the console shows me the following warning: react_devtools_backend.js:4045 Over 200 classes were generated for component styled.div with the id of "sc-bdvvtL"

Should I be adding unique ids to each of the iterated <ShakeHorizontal> components?
I couldn’t find anything in the docs:

Add MapBox map in a html video tag

I have a MapBox map object

<div class="#" id="map">
var map = new maplibregl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: ''


I would like to add this map on a html video tag like this beautiful example
I tried this without success

<video src="">
   <div class="#" id="map"></div>

Could you please help me if there exist a solution?

React hooks cause unintentional re-render

thanks for reading. I’m working with a React/Leaflet map and noticing the map container / elements re-render any time I show or close a modal. I’ve created a sandbox to demonstrate the problem but this occurs in other places throughout my app if additional examples would help.

From reading alternative SO posts, such as this very similar one, I recognize this is likely caused by my hooks (ex. handleShow/setShow) which force the entire component to re-render. The unintended behavior is noticed as follows:

If you drag the map so that the current location is out of view and open a modal, we force the re-load of and . This is evident because the map re-pans to the current location, and a new ‘search icon’ appears in the top right on the map.

Steps to replicate:

*If you notice an issue in sandbox related to react-bootstrap/Modal, just update the dependency to latest (refresh icon) – this is a weird sandbox issue but unrelated to my question.

  1. Drag map so that current location is out of view
  2. Click menu icon (top right) > Add Location
  3. When modal appears, notice map re-centers to current location and another search icon appears.

I can’t download the pdf file with FileStreamResult when I call it from ajax

I am trying to call my FileStream Result function from an ajax, the question is that it is calling the method and it does everything inside, I checked this with a breakpoint, but at the end it is not downloading the pdf I want. Before it was downloading and it was calling it from
like this: “using (Html.BeginForm("EmisionAllLabel", "WareHouseReceipt", FormMethod.Post))“. But now I need to do it from an ajax but it doesn’t work for me. Maybe it’s because I’m missing something but I don’t have much experience with ajax regarding this and I can’t identify the problem. I appreciate your comments.
Attached are the codes used:

    $('#btnValidarEmision').on("click", function () {

        let emisionguia = $('#guiaAerea').val();
            url: "/WareHouseReceipt/" + "EmisionEtiqueta",
            type: "POST",
            data: { "guiaAerea": emisionguia },
            success: function (saved) {

            error: function () {


public FileStreamResult EmisionEtiqueta(string guiaAerea)

    IList<ICriterion> criterionlist = new List<ICriterion>();
    criterionlist.Add(Expression.Eq("Econtainer", true));
    criterionlist.Add(Expression.Eq("StatusId", 1));
    criterionlist.Add(Expression.Eq("Emision", false));
    IList<VwWareHouseReceipt> etiquetas = vwWarehouseReceiptDao.findByCriteria(criterionlist);

    //mem buffer
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

    //the document
    Document document = new Document(new Rectangle(float.Parse("289.50"), 370, 0, 0));

    BaseFont bf2 = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_ROMAN, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

    BaseFont helveticanormal = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, true);
    BaseFont helveticanegrita = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD, BaseFont.CP1252, true);

    //create the fonts
    BaseFont timesNormal = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_ROMAN,

    Font fontSmall = new Font(timesNormal, 7, Font.NORMAL);

    Font fontNormal = new Font(timesNormal, 9, Font.NORMAL);

    Font fontH1 = new Font(timesNormal, 16, Font.NORMAL);

    //the writer
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);//fs);

    // step 3: we open the document

    for (int i = 0; i < etiquetas.Count; i++) { 


    //close the document
    // document.PageSize = PageSize.HALFLETTER;
    //document.PageSize = PageSize.

    //prepare output stream
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=EtiquetasEmisionEcont" + guiaAerea + ".pdf");
    Response.Buffer = true;
    Response.OutputStream.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, ms.GetBuffer().Length);

    return new FileStreamResult(Response.OutputStream, "application/pdf");

Note: I deleted the “for” so that there would not be too much text.

Pass by reference – what is the better way to reassign the value of the property?

let spaceShip = {
   homePlanet : 'earth',
   color: 'black

//first way to reassign the value of the property
let reassign = obj => {
  obj.homePlanet = 'mars';

//second way to reassign the value of the property
spaceship.homePlanet = 'mars'

What is the difference?? and What is the better way to do it??
Is both way changes the value permanantly??

How to redirect 404 page inside an axios service – nextjs

I’m using axios.
I want to check status when I got response of my api.
for example I want to redirect to 404 page.

const api = axios.create({
  headers: {
    common: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    post: {


  (error) => {
const code = parseInt(error.response && error.response.status)
     if (code === 404) {
            data.forEach(itemError => {
              toast.error(itemError, {
                theme: 'colored',
            //redirect to 404 page. but it doesn't work. 
            //return window.location.href = '/404';

But I don’t know How I can to redirect inside of it.

POST a form in which some element are file

In a js web project,
I want to POST a form with a complexe json schema, and in which some field will be file.

How do I do It?

I currently upload a file alone like this

  const data = new FormData();
    data.append('mimetype', file.type);
    data.append('file', file);
    return, data)

but I want my new form look like this:

 var data ={username:"John doe", 
    profilPhoto:{mimetype:..., filename:..., file: ...},
       photo:{mimetype:..., filename:..., file: ...},
    documents:[{mimetype:..., filename:..., file: ...}]


How can I return the value of a key based on a different value in a dictionary (JavaScript)

    const array = [
    username: "john",
    team: "red",
    score: 5,
    items: ["ball", "book", "pen"]
    username: "becky",
    team: "blue",
    score: 10,
    items: ["tape", "backpack", "pen"]
    username: "susy",
    team: "red",
    score: 55,
    items: ["ball", "eraser", "pen"]
    username: "tyson",
    team: "green",
    score: 1,
    items: ["book", "pen"]


I have the above array. I have filtered the users that are in team red. Is there a way to return only the usernames of all users in team red instead of returning the whole data entry? So the output should be “[ John, Susy ]”. I have this code so far.

const filterArray = array.filter(user3 => {
  return === "red";

How to display all JSON objects with arrays on React JSX?

I only learned React 3 days ago. It’s very alien to me cos I come from a beginner’s PHP background.

I’m given a GitHub code that looks like below called NFTBalance.jsx which displays the JSON. It calls useNFTBalance.js which parses the JSON.

I wish to display the attributes each in a meta element like <Meta title={} description={nft.contract_type} />

I’ve been reading about this and more but I still failed to efficiently render the JSON attributes objects array.

I could do like NFT.type = data.attributes[0].value; but I find that’s very inefficient because I need to name each object and the attributes’ objects will change.

Could we use map function or something?

        {NFTBalance &&
, index) => (
                <Tooltip title="View On Blockexplorer">
                    onClick={() =>
                <Tooltip title="List NFT for sale">
                  <ShoppingCartOutlined onClick={() => handleSellClick(nft)} />
              style={{ width: 300, border: "2px solid #e7eaf3" }}
                  src={nft?.image || "error"}
                  style={{ height: "300px" }}
              <Meta title={} description={nft.contract_type} />
export const useNFTBalance = (options) => {
  const { account } = useMoralisWeb3Api();
  const { chainId } = useMoralisDapp();
  const { resolveLink } = useIPFS();
  const [NFTBalance, setNFTBalance] = useState([]);
  const {
    fetch: getNFTBalance,
  } = useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(account.getNFTs, { chain: chainId, ...options });
  const [fetchSuccess, setFetchSuccess] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function fetchData() {
      if (data?.result) {
        const NFTs = data.result;
        for (let NFT of NFTs) {
          if (NFT?.metadata) {
            NFT.metadata = JSON.parse(NFT.metadata);
            NFT.image = resolveLink(NFT.metadata?.image);
          } else if (NFT?.token_uri) {
            try {
              await fetch(NFT.token_uri)
                .then((response) => response.json())
                .then((data) => {
                  NFT.image = resolveLink(data.image);
                  {/*I think this is how I suppose to grab the JSON attributes object*/}
                  NFT.itemName =;
                  NFT.description = data.description;
                  NFT.type = data.attributes;
            } catch (error) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, [data]);

  return { getNFTBalance, NFTBalance, fetchSuccess, error, isLoading };

The JSON file is like this..

  "description": "Windsor my cat is found dead. An investigation is being carried out. My neighbor? A car? He goes up to heaven and we are saddened. By Guive Khosravi",
  "name": "The Incredible Windsor",
  "attributes": [
      "trait_type": "Type",
      "value": "Acrylic, Spray paint on Linen"
      "trait_type": "Year",
      "value": "2020"
      "trait_type": "Style",
      "value": "Contemporary"
      "trait_type": "Location",
      "value": "Paris, France"

JavaScript: How to grab thumbnail (first frame) of video with only raw byte data (mp4 and possibly other types)

I want to grab a thumbnail of a video (let’s say the thumbnail is at 0:00 of the video, so the first frame), however, I am streaming the video and want to display the thumbnail before the video fully loads (so fully loading it, saving it as a blob url and using the HTML5Video element isn’t an option).

Also, the URL that I am originally fetching the video from will not accept any more requests after I make the initial request to download the video, so I also can’t use the HTML5Video element to load that URL.

All I have access to are the raw bytes that are being streamed in from the response. So my question is how can I grab the first frame of the video when just enough bytes have loaded for it. Are there any tools for this, or will I have to interpret the file contents myself?

If I were to build my own solution, I assume the steps would be something like:

  • Wait for file metadata/headers to load first.
  • get the dimensions (x.y) of the video from the metadata.
  • the next x.y bytes will be the first frame of the video. Store this as an ArrayBuffer and create a data URL to use with an HTML img tag.

Let’s start with an mp4 solution but a solution to other formats would be appreciated as well, thanks in advance :).

Ojet uses encoded URL when params are used in router.go

When I use router.go in Ojet like below

self.args.router.go({ path: serverData.nextViewUrl, params: { c: serverData.sessionId } });

I get the following URL


Above is the encoded URL. How do I get the correct decoded url by default in Ojet like below:


Additional info:
Following is my router setup:

// Router setup
      let router = new CoreRouter(navData, {
        urlAdapter: new UrlParamAdapter()

      this.moduleAdapter = new ModuleRouterAdapter(router);

      this.selection = new KnockoutRouterAdapter(router);

      // Setup the navDataProvider with the routes, excluding the first redirected
      // route.
      this.navDataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider(navData.slice(1), { keyAttributes: "path" });

I am using the latest OJet v11

How to check if element has any attributes in it?

I’m trying to make a conditional checker check whether the element has any attributes or not.

var result = parentElm.hasAttribute(); i tried using this but I’m not sure I want a specific attribute by name, I just want to check whether the element has any attributes or attribute like length, size, or idk.


    const model = this.editor.model;
    const selection = model.document.selection;
    const parentElm = selection.focus.parent;
    this.isEnabled = !!parentElm;

Here is the HTML I’m using to test if there are multiple nested elements and want to check whether the textNode‘s parent element has any attributes

<p style="font: 11pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0;" xvid="c0fc3b7176d15af5d8c5c488a7fa675e"><span xvid="6f8db94eb5824fc90d39a2d9a127a98d">Annual Fund Operating Expenses</span></p>
<p style="font: 11pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0;" xvid="c0fc3b7176d15af5d8c5c488a7fa675e">
    <span xvid="6f8db94eb5824fc90d39a2d9a127a98d"><span xvid="1">hello</span></span>

how can i can fix my leaftlat map problems?

I have a div with id map for leatleft and its only show one tile of map
i really have problem to show full map
please help me

enter image description here

my css style is

#map {
        height: 350px;
        width: 100%;

and my code is

var mymap ='map').setView([35.7336466, 51.3458287], 12);

    L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        attribution: 'hello world',
        maxZoom: 18,

        setView: true,
        maxZoom: 12

How do I check if object property is true/false and output based on true/false [closed]

I’ve been trying to figure this one out – if someone has some pointers I would appriciate it. Basically I got an object which has 3 properties, I need to check if one of those properties is true or false, and return based true/false.
So far, made this code but as I understand it doesn’t recognize

const library = [
    title: "Bill Gates",
    author: "The Road Ahead",
    isRead: true
    title: "Steve Jobs",
    author: "Walter Isaacson",
    isRead: true
    title: "Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games",
    author: "Suzanne Collins",
    isRead: false

const showStatus = (arg) => {
  let book = arg;
  for(let i = 0;i < book.length; i++){
    if(book.isRead === true){
       console.log(`Already read ${book.title} by ${}.`)
    } else {
      console.log(`You still need to read ${book.title} by ${}`)




Getting all the objects in the JavaScript from Django

I want to get all my object models from the database and store them in someway, the model I have is:

class Device (models.Model):
    patientId = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
    deviceId = models.CharField(unique=True,max_length=100)
    hour = models.DateTimeField()
    type = models.IntegerField()
    glucoseValue = models.IntegerField()

I’m sending them in

device_list = list(Device.objects.all())
context = {"filename": filename,
           "deviceList": device_list,

In JS I managed to get each object like that:

{% for item in deviceList%}
console.log( "{{item}}" );
{% endfor %}

What I want is to store those objects in some way, but I don’t really know how, because they are coming like that Model object (1).