* BLOCK: project-drie
* Registering a basic block with Gutenberg.
* Simple block, renders and saves the same content without any interactivity.
// Import CSS.
import './editor.scss';
import './style.scss';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import { FaStar } from "react-icons/fa";
import {Helmet} from "react-helmet";
// import components
import { useBlockProps, RichText, InnerBlocks, MediaUpload, InspectorControls, MediaUploadCheck } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
const { __ } = wp.i18n; // Import __() from wp.i18n
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks; // Import registerBlockType() from wp.blocks
const { Button, IconButton, PanelBody, TextareaControl, TextControl, SelectControl, CustomSelectControl } = wp.components;
const { Fragment, useState } = wp.element;
* Register: aa Gutenberg Block.
* Registers a new block provided a unique name and an object defining its
* behavior. Once registered, the block is made editor as an option to any
* editor interface where blocks are implemented.
* @link https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/block-api/
* @param {string} name Block name.
* @param {Object} settings Block settings.
* @return {?WPBlock} The block, if it has been successfully
* registered; otherwise `undefined`.
registerBlockType( 'cgb/block-project-drie-testimonials', {
title: __( 'project-drie - Testimonials' ), // Block title.
icon: 'shield',
category: 'project drie',
supports: {
align: true,
keywords: [
__( 'project-drie — CGB testimonials' ),
__( 'testimonials' ),
__( 'testimonial' ),
attributes: {
title: {
type: 'string',
source: 'text',
selector: 'figcaption',
subtitle: {
type: 'string',
source: 'text',
selector: 'figcaption',
testimonial: {
type: 'array',
default: [],
* The edit function describes the structure of your block in the context of the editor.
* This represents what the editor will render when the block is used.
* The "edit" property must be a valid function.
* @link https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/block-api/block-edit-save/
* @param {Object} props Props.
* @returns {Mixed} JSX Component.
edit: props => {
const { attributes: {title, subtitle, testimonial, media, selectcontrol}, className, setAttributes } = props;
const onChangeTitle = title => { setAttributes ( { title } ) };
const onChangeSubtitle = subtitle => { setAttributes ( { subtitle } ) };
const onSelectImage = ( media ) => { setAttributes( { media: media} );};
const handleAddTestimonial = () => {
const testimonial = [ ...props.attributes.testimonial ];
testimonial.push( {
author: '',
position: '',
testimonial: '',
media: '',
selectcontrol: '',
} );
props.setAttributes( { testimonial } );
const handleRemoveTestimonial = ( index ) => {
const testimonial = [ ...props.attributes.testimonial ];
testimonial.splice( index, 1 );
props.setAttributes( { testimonial } );
const handleTestimonialChange = ( key, value, index ) => {
const testimonial = [ ...props.attributes.testimonial ];
testimonial[ index ][key] = value;
props.setAttributes( { testimonial } );
let testimonialFields,
let authorFields,
let positionFields,
let mediaFields,
let selectcontrolFields,
if ( props.attributes.testimonial.length ) {
testimonialFields = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <Fragment key={ index }>
placeholder="Add testimonial."
value={ testimonial.testimonial }
onChange={ ( value ) => handleTestimonialChange('testimonial', value, index ) }
placeholder="Add Author Name. Example: Ben"
value={ testimonial.author }
onChange={ ( value ) => handleTestimonialChange('author', value, index ) }
placeholder="Add Function. Example: CEO."
value={ testimonial.position }
onChange={ ( value ) => handleTestimonialChange('position', value, index ) }
onSelect={ (value) => handleTestimonialChange('media', value, index ) }
value={ testimonial.media.id }
render={ ( { open } ) => (
<Button className={ testimonial.media.length > 0 ? 'image-button' : 'button button-large' } onClick={ open }>
{ testimonial.media.length > 0 ? __( 'Upload Image', 'gutenberg-examples' ) : <img src={ testimonial.media.url } alt={ __( 'Upload Recipe Image', 'gutenberg-examples' ) } /> }
) }
label={ __( 'Press ctrl to multiple stars:' ) }
value={ testimonial.selectcontrol } // e.g: value = [ 'a', 'c' ]
onChange={ (value) => handleTestimonialChange('selectcontrol', value, index ) }
options={ [
{ value: null, label: 'Select a Star', disabled: false },
{ value: 'star' , label: 'Add 1 star' },
{ value: 'star2', label: 'Add 2 stars' },
{ value: 'star3', label: 'Add 3 stars' },
{ value: 'star4', label: 'Add 4 stars' },
{ value: 'star5', label: 'Add 5 stars' },
] }
label="Delete location"
onClick={ () => handleRemoveTestimonial( index ) }
} );
testimonialDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <p key={ index }>{ testimonial.testimonial } </p>;
} );
authorDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <p key={ index }>{ testimonial.author } </p>;
} );
positionDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <p key={ index }>{testimonial.position}</p>;
} );
mediaDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <img key={index} src={testimonial.media.url} alt={testimonial.media.alt} />
} );
selectcontrolDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>: testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} );
return [
<div className={ className }>
<InspectorControls key="1">
<PanelBody title={ __( 'Testimonial' ) }>
{ testimonialFields }
onClick={ handleAddTestimonial.bind( this ) }
{ __( 'Add Testimonials' ) }
<div key="2" className={ props.className }>
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-info">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-title">
<h2>{ __('Title', 'cgb')}</h2>
placeholder={ __('Add your title here', 'cgb')}
onChange={ onChangeTitle}
value={ title }
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-subtext">
<h2>{ __('Sub-Text', 'cgb')}</h2>
value={ subtitle }
onChange={ onChangeSubtitle }
placeholder={ __('Add your sub-text here', 'cgb')}
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-repeater">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-repeater-title">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-skillname">
<h3>Author Name:</h3>
<span>{ authorDisplay }</span>
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-percentage">
<span>{ positionDisplay }</span>
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-bgimages">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-bgimage">
<h2>Author Image</h2>
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-ratings">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-rating">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-testimonials">
<div className="wp-block-cgb-block-project-drie-testimonial-testimonial">
* The save function defines the way in which the different attributes should be combined
* into the final markup, which is then serialized by Gutenberg into post_content.
* The "save" property must be specified and must be a valid function.
* @link https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/block-api/block-edit-save/
* @param {Object} props Props.
* @returns {Mixed} JSX Frontend HTML.
save: ( props ) => {
const {attributes: { title } } = props;
const {attributes: { subtitle } } = props;
const {attributes: { media} } = props;
const {attributes: { testimonial } } = props;
const {attributes: { selectcontrol } } = props;
const selectcontrolDisplay = props.attributes.testimonial.map( ( testimonial, index ) => {
if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star2') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star3') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star4') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span>: testimonial.selectcontrol;
} else if (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') {
return (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star5') ? <span><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i><i className="fas fa-star checked"></i></span> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
} );
// const skillnameFields = props.attributes.skillname.map( ( skillname, index ) => {
// return <p key={ index }>{ skillname.skill } { skillname.percentage }</p>;
// } );
return (
<section className="testimonial">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/kenwheeler/[email protected]/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
<div className="container testimonial__container">
<div className="row testimonial__row">
<div className="testimonial__info">
<div className="testimonial__subtext">
<span>{ subtitle }</span>
<div className="testimonial__title">
<h2>{ title }</h2>
<div className="items testimonial__testimonials">
{testimonial.map((field, i) => (
<div className="testimonial__testimonial">
<div className="testimonial__card" key={ i }>
<div className="testimonial__image">
<img src={field.media.url} />
<div className="testimonial__review">
<div className="testimonial__stars">
<div className="testimonial__author">
<div className="testimonial__name">
<span>{ field.author }</span>
<div className="testimonial__function">
<span>{ field.position }</span>
} );