How do I add body text to a Bootstrap tooltip?

I’m trying to add some body text to a Bootstrap tooltip, which by default only contains a barebones title. From the relevant Bootstrap 5 documentation it looks like the easiest way to do this is to use the template option:


Base HTML to use when creating the tooltip. 

The tooltip's title will be injected into the .tooltip-inner. 

.tooltip-arrow will become the tooltip's arrow. 

The outermost wrapper element should have the .tooltip class and role="tooltip". 

However, trying to insert the body text that I want into tooltip-inner tooltip div by passing the template variable to the JavaScript that initialises the tooltip doesn’t make any difference. All that shows is the content of bs-data-title, and without that no tooltip renders at all (as the documentation makes clear).

My markup:

<div class="text-center mt-3 mb-4 mb-lg-0"><span href="#" class="badge security-tooltip" 
data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-html="true" 
data-bs-offset="0,12" title="<h6>Secure Payment</h6>">
<i class="fas fa-lock"></i>SECURE PAYMENT</></span>

The JavaScript I’m using to initialise the tooltip:

var tooltipList = (tooltipTriggerEl) {
    return new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl, {
            '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner">' +
            "All payment data is handled using secure, industry-standard 256-bit encryption." +

What am I doing wrong and how exactly do I accomplish this?

How do I add javascript to a WordPress gutenberg block?

Using WordPress custom blocks, I’m currently trying to create a popover component that contains a button and a hidden content. The hidden content should appear when the user clicks on or hovers over the button (on the frontend of the website, not in the block editor).

However, when I add an onClick or onHover to the button, the event handler is not executed.

Additionally, trying to use the useState hook to store the display state of the popover crashes my block editor.

This is what my save method code currently looks like:

export default function save() {

    const [shouldDisplay, setShouldDisplay] = useState(false);

    const handleClick = () => {
        console.log('Click confirmed.');

    return (
        <div {}>
            {/* Button with onClick handler */}
            <button onClick={() => handleClick()}>Show hidden content!</button>

            {/* Hidden content */}
            { shouldDisplay && <div class="popover-content">...</div> }

The answer to this similar(?) question seems to suggest it is not possible as the frontend just renders “static html” and strips off the javascript. If that is the case, what would be good approach to create user interactivity (hover/click events or even possible http requests) in the frontend of WordPress custom blocks?

-webkit-mask-image is not working html2canvas render

I am trying to do template poster editor. I would like to add a image to my canvas while masking it. It works well, i can mask every photo that i want but when i try to render it, added image is rendered without any mask-image. How can i fix it?

This is my canvas

enter image description here

This is the result
enter image description here


function capture() {
            onrendered: function (canvas) {

               var a = document.createElement('a');
               a.href = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
               name = document.getElementById("konukAdi").value
               name = name.replace(/s/g, '')

               extname = document.getElementById("boyut-secimi").value
      = name + extname + '.jpg';


top: 16.12%;
    left: 55.9%;
    -webkit-mask-size: contain;
    -webkit-mask-image: url(/poster/images/masks/tercih.png)!important;
    z-index: 15;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 620px;
    height: auto;
    position: absolute;
<img src="" id="id_1" class="konukImg" onclick="dragImage(this);" style="mask-image: url(/poster/images/masks/tercih.png) !important; top:16.12%;left:55.9%; -webkit-mask-size:contain;-webkit-mask-image: url(/poster/images/masks/tercih.png)!important; ;z-index : 15;overflow : hidden; width:620px;height:auto; position : absolute;">

How to fix this error (querySelector is used): Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘style’) at showSlides

I am unable to resolve this error; I’ve been “fighting” to solve it for two days.

This is the error:

215: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘style’) at showSlides

enter image description here

var slideIndex = 1;

    var outerXmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var url = "";
    outerXmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
      var innerXmlhttp;
      if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var allbook = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
        for (var i = 0, len = allbook.Items.length; i < len; i++) {
          id = allbook.Items[i].id
          document.querySelector('.slideshow-container').innerHTML += `
          <div class="mySlides fade">
            <div class="numbertext">${i+1}/${allbook.Items.length}</div>
            <img id="img" src onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src=myFunction(id);" style="width:100%">
            <div class="text" id="title" onclick="myFunction(id)"></div>
          document.querySelector('#punt').innerHTML += `
          <span class="dot" onclick=currentSlide(${i+1})></span>`;
    };"GET", url, true);


    function plusSlides(n) {
      showSlides(slideIndex += n);

    function currentSlide(n) {
      showSlides(slideIndex = n);

    function showSlides(n) {
      var i;
      var slides = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides fade");
      var dots = document.getElementsByClassName("dot");
      if (n > slides.length) { slideIndex = 1 }
      if (n < 1) { slideIndex = slides.length }
      for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
        slides[i].style.display = "none";
      for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {
        dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(" active", "");
      slides[slideIndex - 1].style.display = "block";
      dots[slideIndex - 1].className += " active";

    function myFunction(id) {
      var url1 = "" + id;
      innerXmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      innerXmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
          var myArr = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
          document.getElementById("img").src = "book_img/" + myArr.Item.immagine;
          document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = `<a href="fragmentProva.html?id=${id}">${myArr.Item.titolo}</a>`;
      };"GET", url1, true);
<div class="slideshow-container" id="slideshow">
    <a class="prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)">&#10094;</a>
    <a class="next" onclick="plusSlides(1)">&#10095;</a>


  <div id="punt" style="text-align:center">

I would not like there to be some setup problem regarding the querySelector or the function call. I need your help, help me please!

Why filtering isn’t working in React and JS. Help me to find a mistake

Can not understand why filter is not working.
The function get an object. If there is the same object in the state, the function delete this object from the state. If not, add to the state.
The problem is that the object rewrites the state, but not add it to the state.

For example, object {a: 1, b: 2}

const [products, setProducts] = useState<any[]>([]);

const addObject = (data) => {
    const sameData = !!products.find((item) => ===;
    const deleteData = products.filter((item) => !==;
    const newData = sameData ? deleteData : [...products, data]; 
    return setCheckedRoles(newData);

As a result I get not [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 4}, {a: 8, b: 3}];
but only one object that come to function [{a: 1, b: 2}]

Adding POM version number to an HTML page

I have a POM file that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <version> ${POM_JIRAVERSION}-${BUILD_NUMBER}-SNAPSHOT</version>

I’ve got an HTML page where I want to display my POM version number, my version number is dynamic as you can see and changes with every build I make on Jenkins.

Bluetooth web control led stripe

Was using the Happylighting application on android and I try to make a simple web application to control the led color, but can’t figure how to do it, and witch ‘gatt’ I’ve to request, I’m really new to bluetooth thing.

function onRequestBluetoothDeviceButtonClick() {
        filters: [{name:"QHM-0A0B"}],
    .then(device => {
        // device.gatt.connect()
    }).then(server =>{
    .catch(error => {
        console.log('Argh! ' + error);

I’ve seen this on api documention, but can’t figure witch service I’ need to request and how

Javascript Map delete / set is slow

Could somebody explain, why Map is slower, than Object in the code below?
Docs says, that Map is optimized for performance, but tests shows poor results.

#!/usr/bin/env node

const object = {},
    map = new Map(),
    prefix = "a",
    iteratiions = 100_000;

for ( let n = 0; n < 100_000; n++ ) {
    object[prefix + n] = n;
    map.set( prefix + n, n );

const t1 =;
for ( let n = 0; n < iteratiions; n++ ) {
    map.delete( prefix );
    map.set( prefix, 1 );
console.log( "Map:", - t1, "ms" );

const t0 =;
for ( let n = 0; n < iteratiions; n++ ) {
    delete object[prefix];
    object[prefix] = 1;
console.log( "object:", - t0, "ms" );


Map: 7558 ms
object: 11 ms

Changing the values of a radio button programatically with jQuery

I want to change the value of a radio button programatically on a website built on Spring, with jQuery on the frontend.

I’ve managed to change other values, but the radio button is kind of tricky.

Here’s the HTML for the button:

<table id="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA" role="presentation" class="ui-selectoneradio ui-widget">
                <div class="ui-radiobutton ui-widget">
                    <div class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"><input id="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:0"
                            name="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA" type="radio" value="true"
                            onchange="PrimeFaces.ab({s:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA&quot;,e:&quot;change&quot;,p:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA&quot;,u:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:tvaelig formCheltuialaBuget:totalELigg formCheltuialaBuget:publicBuget formCheltuialaBuget:tvanonelig formCheltuialaBuget:contributie&quot;,onst:function(cfg){'wait';},onco:function(xhr,status,args){'default';}});"
                    <div class="ui-radiobutton-box ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default"><span
                            class="ui-radiobutton-icon ui-icon ui-icon-blank ui-c"></span></div>
            <td><label for="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:0">Da</label></td>
                <div class="ui-radiobutton ui-widget">
                    <div class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"><input id="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:1"
                            name="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA" type="radio" value="false"
                            onchange="PrimeFaces.ab({s:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA&quot;,e:&quot;change&quot;,p:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA&quot;,u:&quot;formCheltuialaBuget:tvaelig formCheltuialaBuget:totalELigg formCheltuialaBuget:publicBuget formCheltuialaBuget:tvanonelig formCheltuialaBuget:contributie&quot;,onst:function(cfg){'wait';},onco:function(xhr,status,args){'default';}});"
                            checked="checked" wtx-context="3412B572-AE39-4A78-B34C-87A13760C805"></div>
                    <div class="ui-radiobutton-box ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-state-active"><span
                            class="ui-radiobutton-icon ui-icon ui-icon-bullet ui-c"></span></div>
            <td><label for="formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:1">Nu</label></td>

How can I change the value of the radio button to true/false?

Changing it this way:

document.getElementById("formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:0").value = false;
document.getElementById("formCheltuialaBuget:radioTVA:1").value = true;

didn’t do it anything.


Parsing/scraping Javascript from web in C/C++ [closed]

Please tell me – are there libraries for C or C ++ that can do something like the following:

I make a GET request and get HTML, then I open the same page using Chrome, for example, and look at the HTML code of this page.

And they don’t match!

And if I understand correctly, they do not match for the following reason:

-I made a GET request to the server and the server returned the HTML of the requested page.

-Chrome made the same GET request to the server and the server returned the requested page to Chrome, BUT here is the difference: Chrome, as it receives the HTML page, analyzes it for JS code / scripts and executes it on the fly requesting additional data and modifying HTML.

And here is the QUESTION: are there libraries C/C++ that could analyze the JS code and execute the queries that are specified in the JS code?

Segmented Control In Header

im trying to add a segmented tab to my header let me show you an example before i start.

enter image description here

if you’ve been on the twitter app you know you can swipe through these tabs while these tabs remain on the header, i cant quite find out how i would complete this tho

Some of the code:

 <Stack.Screen name="Find" component={Home} options={{
            header: () => (
                <View style={{ backgroundColor: 'black', paddingBottom: 10 }}>
                    <View style={{ paddingLeft: 10, flexDirection: 'row', paddingTop: 25, backgroundColor: 'black' }}>
                        <View style={{}}>
                            <View style={{ paddingRight: 10, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
                                    <Image style={{ width: 30, height: 30, borderRadius: 30 }} source={require('../assets/forever.png'} />
                                <View style={{ width: '84%', paddingHorizontal: 10 }}>
                                        initialValues={{ formData: "" }}
                                        onSubmit={async (values, { setSubmitting }) => {
                                            await setData({
                                        {({ handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, values }) => (

                                                        backgroundColor: '#0D0D0D',
                                                        padding: 10,
                                                        borderRadius: 18,
                                                        flexDirection: 'row',
                                                        height: 34
                                                    <View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
                                                        <Icon name="search" type="ionicon" size={15} color="grey" />
                                                        style={{ backgroundColor: '#0D0D0D', paddingHorizontal: 20 }}

                                <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
                                    <Icon onPress={() =>} type="ionicon" size={28} color="white" name="create-outline" />


                    <ScrollableTabView style={{}} renderTabBar={() =>
              borderWidth: 0,
        } tabBarUnderlineStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#fff", borderWidth: 1}} tabBarTextStyle={{ color: "#fff" }} tabBarBackgroundColor="#000">
          <View tabLabel="Home">

          <Quotes tabLabel="Quotes" />
          <View tabLabel="Posts" >

          <View tabLabel="Home" >


        }} />

If you need anymore information, just comment and thanks in addvanced

Accessing updated state inside the same function

I am having trouble accessing state after saving it, when calling the same function. My state is setup like this:

const perLanguageDefault = {
  calculated_skill: null,
  display_skill: null,
  published: false,
  premium: false,
  id: null,

  const [perLanguage, setPerLanguage] = useState(perLanguageDefault);

I have a save function inside one of my components as such:

  const _savePerLanguageArticle = async () => {
    if ( === null) {
      await _createPerLanguage();
    } else if ( !== null) {
      await _updatePerLanguage();
    if (props.sentences.length !== 0 && {
      await _iterateSentences();
    await _saveRulesArticle();

If a perLanguage object doesn’t exist, I create one in the database, and set it in state as such:

  const createPerLanguage = async () => {
    const body = {
      published: perLanguage.published,
      premium: perLanguage.premium,
      language: props.lang_id,
      calculated_skill: perLanguage.calculated_skill,
      display_skill: perLanguage.display_skill,
    try {
      const response = await"perLanguageCreateAPI", {
        body: body,
      await setPerLanguage(;
    } catch (e) {

saveRulesArticle above looks like this:

  const _saveRulesArticle = async () => {
    const newRules = => {
      let ruleobj = {};
      ruleobj["rule"] = rule;
      ruleobj["per_language"] =;
      return ruleobj;
    try {
      const response = await"ruleMappingCreateAPI", {
        body: newRules,
    } catch (e) {

However, because it’s all within the same top function, _saveRulesArticle doesn’t get access to the new perLanguage variable, it isn’t updated, even though createPerLanguage supposedly creates it and sets it.

I suspect there’s some relation to this stack overflow page:

useState set method not reflecting change immediately

Most particularly the highest upvoted answer. I understand how that works for useEffect, but how would it work here? How do I update state inside a function, and then later inside that function, access the same updated state? Is this possible? Is this an anti-pattern?

Why’s only one image being displayed instead of all the images present in the object?

I’m facing a weird issue where only the first image that’s present in the object is being displayed via the Grid component instead of all of them being displayed at once (there are three images in total). It’s basically justifiable grabbing the first URL and displaying and ignoring the other images URLs present in the object.

Note: Upon expanding the object in the console I see a blue ! that says: The value was evaluated upon first expanding. It may have chaneged since then.. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the issue I’m facing, I’m just including it here for extra information.

Anyone know what the issue could be and how I can fix it?

Here’s Gallery.js:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const Gallery = () => {
    let authToken = localStorage.getItem('token');

    const [uploadsData, setUploadsData] = useState([]);

    // Referring the uploadsData inside the useEffect hook's callback and in order to get correct console log,
    // Run the code in a separate useEffect hook.
    // In this way, the getUploads function is called only once and it outputs correct uploadData to the browser console.
    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    useEffect(() => {
        // logs empty array in the console if dependency array is empty
        // logs correct data when dependency array isn't empty - i.e. [uploadsData]
        // console.log(uploadsData);
    }, [uploadsData]);

    const getUploads = () => {
        const headers = {
            "Accept": 'application/json',
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${authToken}`

        axios.get('http://localhost:8005/api/get-uploads', {headers})
            .then(resp => {
                // console.log(resp);
            }).catch(error => {

    return (    
      , index) => {
                    console.log(photos, index);
                    return <Grid src={photos[index].url} key={index}/>

export default Gallery;

Here’s Grid.js:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

const Grid = (props) => {
    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    const createUserPhotoNodes = () => {
        return (
            <div className="container">
                <div className="img-container">
                    <img src={props.src} alt="Photo" className="gallery-img" />

    return (
            <section className="gallery">

export default Grid;