Invoke MS Word Javascript-based Plugin from VBA?

I have a VBA utility that fully updates a Word document. To do so it must invoke the updater method of my reference manager, Mendeley. Currently the code to do so is as follows:

Sub UpdateReferences()
    ' Mendeley update: Needs the library reference: Tools - References - MendeleyPlugin ticked.
End Sub

However, the latest versions of the Mendeley plugin are implemented in Javascript. It’s not easy to reverse engineer such plugins, but the corresponding update method seems to be associated with the key UPDATE_CITATIONS_AND_BIBLIOGRAPHY. Might there be a way to invoke it from VBA?

Toggling between multiple elements with detach()

I have multiple video streams on a page though only one should be seen/heard at any time. Stream 1 should be visible on page load, then clicking a “Stream 2” or “Stream 3” button should switch to it accordingly.

Using Show/hide js events won’t work because the hidden stream can still be heard on the page when hidden. My knowledge of js is limited to none (but I’m trying!) though it seems that detach() is a good fit for my use case as the element can be removed but also reinstated.

The below descendent of this on W3schools successfully hides Stream (element) 2, with two buttons of corresponding IDs, but ultimately I’m a way off the seamless toggle that I’m after…

<script src=""></script>
  var x;
    x = $("#element_two_id").detach();

Is this achievable with detach() or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Typescript type for a file converted to binary

I need to send a file uploaded by user in the payload of my post request. I have converted file into binary form. What will be the type for this file. Currently I’m using string.

export interface PostRequestPayload {
  title: string;
  description: string;
  content: string;
  file?: string ; //what will be the type for this

How to disable “publish” button until a featured Image is uploaded

I’m new to WordPress and PHP. So, as the title says, I’m trying to disable the “publish” button (from post section), until a featured image is uploaded by the user.

I’ve tried this solution and didn’t work as intended. I’ve given up with PHP solutions, now I’m trying with JS, but my code doesn’t works. So… Any help to this poor soul?

function disable_publish_button_if_no_featured_image() {
   global $post;
   // No post, skip.
    if ( ! $post ) {
    // Different post type? Skip.
    if ( 'post' !== get_post_type( $post ) ) {
   // You could also use something like WP_Screen::is_block_editor() to check if Block Editor is loaded.
    <script defer>
        var postLocked = false;
        wp.domReady( () => {
            // Featured Image ID.
            var imageId = 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute('featured_media');
            // If we have no image ID, and we already locked the post, we won't do anything.
            if ( ! imageId ) {
               // No Image ID and post is not locked. Let's lock it.
               if ( ! postLocked ) {
                       postLocked = true;
             } else if (postLocked) {
                postLocked = false;
       'core/editor' ).unlockPostSaving( 'noFeaturedImage' );                 

Js/Jquery colorpicker from browser elements

I was searching some ready made jquery or javascript color picker.

Which will allow to pick color from uploaded image

Question: Dose anyone had such experience and found such lib ?

Question2: Is it at all possible to achieve in browser through js ?

Check if all values of array are equal to number

I want to see if there is a better way to check if all values of array are equal to number. I have it working with a foreach but wanted to see if I can do this anyway else?

let valid = true;
$.each(data.resultStatus, function (index, resultStatus) {
    if (resultStatus.ResultCode == "2") {
        valid = false;

Map multiple objects into one array [duplicate]

I have a parsed json array:

parsedJson = JSON.parse(comments);
const reformattedArray ={username, rating}) => ({[username]: rating}));

[{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
[{First username: 5}, {Second username: 4}, {Third username: 3}, {Fourth username: 2}, {Fifth username: 1}]

but how is it possible to look my array like this:

{First username: 5, Second username: 4, Third username: 3, Fourth username: 2, Fifth username: 1}

Is it possible to make this array to look like this?

I can render my page just once. After refreshing the page, i am getting an error as cant find data from api. Please let me know my mistake

I use useEffect to call api to fetch data. Data contains 10 arrays sets. In section = container, i fetched required data to specific section (layout done through css) . i can fetch data only once, after refreshing, error showing “cant found data”. Please let me know my mistake

function App() {
      const [posts, setPosts] = useState([])
      const url = '';
      useEffect(() => {
        fetch(url).then(resp => resp.json())    //api call
          .then(resp => setPosts(resp))
      }, []);
      return (
        <div class="App">
          <header class="App-header">
            <h1>WELCOME TO ZENERSPACE CINEMAS!!</h1>
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <section id="container">
                <img src={myImg1} alt="" />   // fetching data from api call
                <a href={posts[0].show.url}>{`${posts[0]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto"><Link to="/Home">Show more details</Link></button>
                <img src={myImg2} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[1].show.url}>{`${posts[1]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg3} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[2].show.url}>{`${posts[2]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto"
                > Show more details
                <img src={myImg4} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[3].show.url}>{`${posts[3]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg5} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[4].show.url}>{`${posts[4]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg6} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[5].show.url}>{`${posts[5]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg7} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[6].show.url}>{`${posts[6]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg8} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[7].show.url}>{`${posts[7]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg9} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[8].show.url}>{`${posts[8]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
                <img src={myImg10} alt="" />
                <a href={posts[9].show.url}>{`${posts[9]}`} </a>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-md mx-auto">Show more details</button>
          <script src="[email protected]/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-7+zCNj/IqJ95wo16oMtfsKbZ9ccEh31eOz1HGyDuCQ6wgnyJNSYdrPa03rtR1zdB" crossOrigin="anonymous"></script>
          <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-QJHtvGhmr9XOIpI6YVutG+2QOK9T+ZnN4kzFN1RtK3zEFEIsxhlmWl5/YESvpZ13" crossOrigin="anonymous"></script>
    export default App;

How to trigger native screenshot function of iOS and Android thru Javascript?

I am currently working on an Ionic Vue App and want to take a screenshot of the entire page. Since I have multiple canvases with different context types on the screen, famous libs like ‘html2canvas’ do not work for me. The cordova plugin also was no success for me sadly.

Is there a way to trigger the native screenshot function of a device thru JS? The taskbar at the top as well as buttons at the bottom are allowed to be visible on the screenshot.

My app is not designed to be used on PC, so I do not have to worry about this paltform.

Typescript error 1005. ‘:’ expected when trying to access returned JSON data

I’m returning data from an API call. The returned JSON looks like this:

    "data": {
        "getAccountDetails": {
            "cars": [
                    "rental": true,
                    "id": "abcdefg"                    

I’m trying to console log the boolean rental (true or false). I keep getting this typescript error: ':' expected. ts(1005. This is how I’m console logging:


How can I resolve this error?

Get request return same data (doesn’t refresh database)

I am using the SLIM 3.9 framework as an API and as a client a web page in javascript. I have the following problem, when I insert new information from the client side to the database, the record is created correctly at the mysql level, but when I try to consult it at the javascript level, it does not return the last inserted record, it seems that the browser caches the GET request. I have tried to pass in the NO-CACHE header but without success. Does anyone know what could be going on? By the way, if I change the method to POST I have no problem, but with GET it seems that a type of cache is created. Can anyone help me. Thanks

My Javascript method:

 var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append('pragma', 'no-cache');
myHeaders.append('cache-control', 'no-cache');  

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    
 let self = this;    
 let month = ""
 let year = ""
fetch('/xxxxxx/api/xxxxxxx/getLastRegister', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: myHeaders 
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {

        month = e.month;
        year = e.Year;
    resolve({year:year, month:month})
    self.alertError.customMsg.innerHTML = 'A error was ocurred: '+data.message;; 
     console.error('Error:', data.message);



  .catch((error) => {
  self.alertError.customMsg.innerHTML = error;;  
  console.error('Error:', error);

Getting data from a promise as result of a firestore database call

I am trying to fetch data from my firestore database and then use the returned array of objects into my template.
What I expected to be an array of objects is in fact a promise. and I can’t seem to figure out how to extract it’s data.

Here is the function that that does two calls to my firestore database, then combines both results into an array. The func returns this array.

async getOtherArticles (src, target){
    try {
        var tempArticles = []
        const q = query(collection(projectFirestore, "database")
        ,where('target', '==', target)
        const docs = await getDocs(q);
            docs.forEach((doc) => { tempArticles.push( })

         const q2 = query(collection(projectFirestore, "database")
         ,where('target', '==', src)
         const docs2 = await getDocs(q2);
             docs2.forEach((doc2) => { tempArticles.push( })
         return tempArticles
     } catch (err) {
         throw new Error(err.message) 

Then I simply call the previous func in order to it’s result as in the example below

this.similarArticles = this.getOtherArticles(this.drawerLinkData.src, function(val){return val})

When I console.log the result, I get :

Promise {<pending>}
[[Prototype]]: Promise
[[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"
[[PromiseResult]]: Array(1)
0: {region: Array(1), technology: Array(1), target: 'Yandex', video: '', summary: '<p>Yandex announced that it has entered into a bin…rship in the business.</strong></p>n<p>&nbsp;</p>', …}
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)

I wish to get only what is in [[PromiseResult]]. How can I achieve this?

Issue with props, getting undefined in Vuejs?


  import {pathdata} from "../../assets/pathdata";
data() {
    return {
      pathdata: [],
  mounted() {
    pathdata().then((r) => {
      this.matchingData =;


    <div v-if="matchingData.length > 0" class="line">
        v-for="match in matchingData"
          green: match.OverallStatus === 'healthy',
          red: match.OverallStatus === 'down',
        {{ match.OverallStatus }}
    <div v-else><p>No matching data</p></div>
export default {
  components: {},
  props: {
    data: {
      type: Array,
      required: true,
    SourceDatabaseName: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
  data: function () {
    return {};
  methods: {},
  computed: {
    matchingData() {
        (a) => (a.SourceDatabaseName === this.SourceDatabaseName)

matchingData:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘filter’)

Vue Dev Tools screenshoot:-

enter image description here

As you can see in List.vue component, i have props which consists of data and sourcedatabasename….. Where i am able to get the sourcedatabasename but data is data:undefined.

and also minly in computed property, because data is undefined, filter also not working and throwing error as matchingData:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘filter’)

Can you please help me out why it is getting as undefined?? Thanks.

How to open eml file with attachement in outlook with javascript recieved from backend?

I recieve a eml like this from the backend :

    To: to
Message-ID: <-870410845.53.1646749975436.JavaMail.Administrator@belnbdev>
Subject: subject
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=Attachement
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Attachement


I’m trying to open it like this in outlook with javascript

                ex += '</body></html>';
                var encodedUri = encodeURI(ex); //encode spaces etc like a url
                var a = document.createElement('a'); //make a link in document
                var linkText = document.createTextNode("fileLink");
                a.href = encodedUri;
       = 'fileLink';
       = 'download.eml';
       = "display:none;"; //hidden link

But it gives me the error

Failed to launch 'from:%20from%0D%0ATo:%20to%0D%0AMessage-ID:%20%3C-870410845.53.1646749975436.JavaMail.Administrator@belnbdev%3E%0D%0ASubject:%20subject%0D%0AMIME-Version:%201.0%0D%0AContent-Type:%20multipart/mixed;%20%0D%0A%09boundary=%22----=_Part_52_541745725.1646749975436%22%0D%0A%0D%0A------=_Part_52_541745725.1646749975436%0D%0AContent-Type:%20text/plain;%20charset=us-ascii%0D%0AContent-Transfer-Encoding:%207bit%0D%0A%0D%0Abody%0D%0A------=_Part_52_541745725.1646749975436%0D%0AContent-Type:%20application/octet-stream;%20name=Attachement%0D%0AContent-Transfer-Encoding:%20base64%0D%0AContent-Disposition:%20attachment;%20filename=Attachement%0D%0A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%0D%0A------=_Part_52_541745725.1646749975436--%0D%0A%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E' **because the scheme does not have a registered handler**.

How to solve the doesn’t have a registred handler error?

Or how do i have to write the javascript properly? Or should i handle the eml response differently?

Thanks in advance