Jquery Returning undefined when using “click” listener


<div action="https://github.com/">
     <div class="menu-bar-item">
         <h1 class="menu-item-text">GitHub</h1>


$(document).on("click", "*[action]", (e) => {

    try {
        var attribute = $(e.target).attr("action");

    } catch(e){}

Here attribute action is sometimes retuning “undefined”.. ANY FIX??

how to optimize code like reduce code with same functionality

    let response = {}
    var filters = {
        topfeaturedandotherfields: req.body.topfeaturedandotherfields

    if(req.body.minprice && req.body.maxprice && req.body.brandName)

        var filters = {
            $and :[
                {"brandName" : { "$in": req.body.brandName }}, 
                {topfeaturedandotherfields: req.body.topfeaturedandotherfields },
                {salePrice:{ $gte: req.body.minprice, $lte: req.body.maxprice }}]

         var result = await productService.getAllProductofhomepage(filters,req.body.ordername,req.body.orderby)

    if (req.body.minprice && req.body.maxprice) {
        var filters = {
           $and: [{topfeaturedandotherfields: req.body.topfeaturedandotherfields},{salePrice:{ $gte: req.body.minprice, $lte: req.body.maxprice }}]

        var result = await productService.getAllProductofhomepage(filters,req.body.ordername,req.body.orderby)
    if (req.body.brandName) {
        var filters = {
           $and :[
               {"brandName" : { "$in": req.body.brandName }}, 
               {topfeaturedandotherfields: req.body.topfeaturedandotherfields }]

        var result = await productService.getAllProductofhomepage(

    if (req.body.limit == true)
        var result = await productService.getAllProductofhomepagewithlimit(
   else if (req.body.minprice || req.body.maxprice || req.body.brandName)
        var result = await productService.getAllProductofhomepage(filters,req.body.ordername,req.body.orderby)

    if (result.length > 0) {
        response = {
            message: 'Home page products successfully retrieved',
            error: false,
            data: result,
    } else {
        response = {
            message: 'Faild to get products',
            error: true,
            data: {},


This code is used to filter like to see top feature and bestseller or min and max price and the brand name also in this code sort by order name which could be price or brand name or category also in ascending and descending order so now you can see this code is like if and else but I want to optimize and reduce code

Is it faster to bake javascript into html?

I heard that requesting many single Javascript files in a HTML page is slow, so I wonder if it is faster to bake all those files directly into the HTML code using a build system or is it better to merge all JS files into one file and than requesting that file in the HTML document?

create a circle object and push them in array

I need to create circles in canvas using fabric. Every click, there is a circle created. However, if the new circle created it will replace old circle


<canvas #canvas id="canvas" width="900" height="400" >
  <p>Your browser doesn't support canvas!</p>


    this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
    var circle = new fabric.Circle({
    radius: 20,
    fill: '#eef',
    originX: 'center',
    originY: 'center'
    var text = new fabric.Text(`${data.data.name}`, {
    fontSize: 30,
    originX: 'center',
    originY: 'center'
    this.group = new fabric.Group([circle, text], {
    left: event.e.offsetX,
    top: event.e.offsetY,
    angle: 0


Youtube Old mini player extension issues

first time using this site. I have been using this mini player youtube extension for a while. Its not on the chrome store anymore but I have a folder of it from the developer. The developer isn’t working on this anymore so I am asking here. I like this extension but I have been having this issue whenever I open a youtube link externally, it throws off the youtube player when scrolling. It’s not the biggest issue in the world but I am just seeing if there is something that can be done to fix it. I am not a big coder so I am asking here. I am not sure if this can be fixed or its something conflicting with new youtube since this extension is pretty old. I pasted some links with the full code and some pictures.

Thank you



“use strict”;

(function() {

let DOCK_DOCKED = 'docked', DOCK_FLOATING = 'floating';
let PAGE_CHANNEL = 'channel', PAGE_HOME = 'home', PAGE_SEARCH = 'search', PAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 'subscriptions', PAGE_WATCH = 'watch';

let currentAnimation, currentAnimationCancelled, currentDockMode, currentVideoId, currentPage;
let queryParams, isNewPage;
let screen, screenHeader, screenTitle, screenButtonClose, screenButtonMove, screenButtonResizeTopLeft, screenButtonResizeTopRight, screenButtonResizeBottomLeft, screenButtonResizeBottomRight, isScreenMove, isScreenResize;
let iframe, iframeVideo, moviePlayer, moviePlayerObserver = new MutationObserver(onMoviePlayerObserve), playerAPI, video, videoTitle;
let intervalCurrentTime, intervalIframeInitialize, intervalVideoInitialize;
let localStorage = window.localStorage['rjgtav.youtube-mini-player'] ? JSON.parse(window.localStorage['rjgtav.youtube-mini-player']) : {};

// Thanks to https://www.reddit.com/user/roombascj
// Workaround: Chrome doesn't fire 'resize' event when it adds the scrollbar
// Source: https://pastebin.com/tgDxgPza
let windowResizeListener = document.createElement('iframe');
windowResizeListener.id = 'rj-resize-listener';
windowResizeListener.onload = () => windowResizeListener.contentWindow.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);

window.addEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onPageLoad);
document.addEventListener('spfdone', onPageLoad);

// #YoutubeMaterialDesign
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', onPageLoad);
document.addEventListener('yt-update-title', onPageTitle);

function initializeIframe () {
    if (iframe != null) return;

    screen = document.createElement('div');
    screen.id = 'rj-miniplayer-screen';
    screen.style.position = 'fixed';
    screenHeader = document.createElement('div');
    screenHeader.className = 'rj-miniplayer-header';

    screenButtonMove = document.createElement('div');
    screenButtonMove.className = 'rj-miniplayer-move';
    screenButtonMove.title = 'Move';
    screenButtonMove.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL('assets/button/move.png') + "')";
    screenButtonMove.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);

    screenTitle = document.createElement('div');
    screenTitle.className = 'rj-miniplayer-title';
    screenTitle.addEventListener('click', onScreenTitleClick);

    screenButtonClose = document.createElement('div');
    screenButtonClose.className = 'rj-miniplayer-close';
    screenButtonClose.title = 'Close';
    screenButtonClose.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL('assets/button/close.png') + "')";
    screenButtonClose.addEventListener('click', onScreenButtonCloseClick);

    screenButtonResizeBottomRight = document.createElement('div');
    screenButtonResizeBottomRight.className = 'rj-miniplayer-resize bottom-right';
    screenButtonResizeBottomRight.title = 'Resize';
    screenButtonResizeBottomRight.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);

    screenButtonResizeTopRight = document.createElement('div');
    screenButtonResizeTopRight.className = 'rj-miniplayer-resize top-right';
    screenButtonResizeTopRight.title = 'Resize';
    screenButtonResizeTopRight.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);

    iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '1');
    iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
    iframe.onload = onIframeLoad;
function updateIframeSource () {
    if (iframe == null) return;

    // If it's the same video, we keep playing it
    if (currentVideoId == queryParams.v) return;
    currentVideoId = queryParams.v;

    iframeVideo = null;
    iframe.contentWindow.location.replace('https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + currentVideoId + '?autoplay=1&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0');

    // We periodically update the video.currentTime, so the Share button on Youtube works as expected
    // Update: this has a high performance impact :/
    //intervalCurrentTime = setInterval(() => iframeVideo ? video.currentTime = iframeVideo.currentTime : null, 1000);

function initializeVideo() {
    if (video != null) {
        video.removeEventListener('playing', onVideoPlay);
        video.removeEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);
        video.removeEventListener('seeking', onVideoSeek);
        video.removeEventListener('seeked', onVideoSeek);

    // Prevent Youtube from auto-playing
    // Workaround: we use intervals so this still runs when the tab isn't focused
    intervalVideoInitialize = setInterval(() => {
        // Hide moviePlayer to increase performance
        moviePlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
        moviePlayerObserver.observe(moviePlayer, { childList: true });
        if (moviePlayer == null) return;

        playerAPI = moviePlayer.parentNode;
        video = playerAPI.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
        if (video == null) return;

        video.volume = 0;

        video.addEventListener('playing', onVideoPlay);
        video.addEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);
        video.addEventListener('seeking', onVideoSeek);
        video.addEventListener('seeked', onVideoSeek);

    }, 25);

function _updateScreenState(noAnimation, forceAnimation) {
    if (playerAPI == null || screen == null) return;

    let dockMode = (currentPage != PAGE_WATCH || window.scrollY > screen.offsetHeight / 2) ? DOCK_FLOATING : DOCK_DOCKED;
    // Cancel current animation
    if (currentDockMode != dockMode) {
        screen.removeEventListener('transitionend', onScreenTransitionEnd);
        currentAnimationCancelled = currentAnimation != null;
        currentAnimation = null;
    let positionEnd = _loadScreenState(dockMode), positionStart;
    let isAnimating = forceAnimation || currentDockMode != dockMode || currentAnimation != null;
    currentDockMode = dockMode;

    if (isAnimating) {
        // Update animation states
        if (currentAnimation == null) {
            // Note: updating the height/width causes a stutter/redraw on the iframe. Therefore we do it at the beginning, where it is less noticeable
            positionStart = screen.getBoundingClientRect();
            screen.style.height = positionEnd.height + 'px';
            screen.style.width = positionEnd.width + 'px';
            screen.style.transform = 'scale(' + (positionStart.width / positionEnd.width) + ')';
        } else {
            positionStart = currentAnimation.start;
        currentAnimation = { end: positionEnd, start: positionStart, onScreenTransitionEnd: currentAnimation ? currentAnimation.onScreenTransitionEnd : null };

        if (currentDockMode == DOCK_DOCKED) {
            iframe.style.boxShadow = 'initial';

        // Animate
        if (!noAnimation) {
            window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
                // Abort animation if cancelled
                if (currentAnimation == null)
                screen.style.transition = '.2s ease-in-out';
                if (currentAnimationCancelled) {
                    screen.style.transform = '';
                } else {
                    screen.style.transform =
                        'translateX(' + (currentAnimation.end.left - currentAnimation.start.left) + 'px)' +
                        'translateY(' + (currentAnimation.end.top - currentAnimation.start.top) + 'px)';

                // Prevent multiple addEventListener during a single transition (e.g. when scrolling, this method is spammed)
                if (!currentAnimation || !currentAnimation.onScreenTransitionEnd) {
                    currentAnimation.onScreenTransitionEnd = onScreenTransitionEnd;
                    screen.addEventListener('transitionend', onScreenTransitionEnd);
        } else {
    } else {
        // When the movie is docked at the top of the watch page
        screen.style.transition = '';
        screen.style.height = positionEnd.height + 'px';
        screen.style.width = positionEnd.width + 'px';
        screen.style.top = positionEnd.top + 'px';
        screen.style.left = positionEnd.left + 'px';
function _updateScreenVisibility(visible) {
    if (visible) {
        if (moviePlayer) moviePlayer.style.display = 'none';
        screen.style.display = 'initial';
    } else {
        if (moviePlayer) moviePlayer.style.display = 'initial';
        screen.style.display = 'none';

function _calculateDefaultScreenState(dockMode) {
    let state = {};
    state.height = playerAPI.offsetHeight / 2;
    state.width = playerAPI.offsetWidth / 2;

    // #YoutubeMaterialDesign - when switching to the Home page and such
    if (currentPage != PAGE_WATCH && (state.width == 0 || state.height == 0)) {
        let backupState = _loadScreenState(DOCK_DOCKED, PAGE_WATCH);
        state.height = backupState.height / 2;
        state.width = backupState.width / 2;

    if (currentPage == PAGE_CHANNEL || currentPage == PAGE_HOME || currentPage == PAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS) {
        state.top = (window.innerHeight - state.height - SCREEN_PADDING);
        state.left = (window.innerWidth - state.width - SCREEN_PADDING - SCREEN_PADDING);

    if (currentPage == PAGE_SEARCH) {
        state.top = (window.innerHeight - state.height) / 2;
        state.left = (window.innerWidth - state.width - SCREEN_PADDING - SCREEN_PADDING);

    if (currentPage == PAGE_WATCH) {
        if (dockMode == DOCK_FLOATING) {
            let sidebar = document.getElementById('watch7-sidebar') || document.getElementById('related'); // #YoutubeMaterialDesign
            state.top = (window.innerHeight - state.height) / 2;
            state.left = (sidebar.getBoundingClientRect().left - (state.width - sidebar.offsetWidth) / 2);
        } else {
            state = playerAPI.getBoundingClientRect();

    return _saveScreenState(dockMode, state.height, state.width, state.left, state.top);
function _loadScreenState(dockMode, page) {
    let state = localStorage.screenState = localStorage.screenState || {};
        state = state[page || currentPage] = state[page || currentPage] || {};
        state = state[dockMode] = state[dockMode] || {};
    // Load default state, if none was previously saved
    if ((currentPage == PAGE_WATCH && dockMode == DOCK_DOCKED) || state.height == null || state.width == null || state.left == null || state.top == null)
        state = _calculateDefaultScreenState(dockMode);

    // In case the screen is outside the screen, move it back inside
    if (dockMode == DOCK_FLOATING) {
        if (state.left + state.width + SCREEN_PADDING > window.innerWidth)
            state.left = window.innerWidth - state.width - SCREEN_PADDING;
        if (state.left < SCREEN_PADDING)
            state.left = SCREEN_PADDING;
        if (state.top + state.height + SCREEN_PADDING > window.innerHeight)
            state.top = window.innerHeight - state.height - SCREEN_PADDING;
        if (state.top < 100)
            state.top = 100;

    return state;
function _saveScreenState(dockMode, height, width, left, top) {
    let state = localStorage.screenState = localStorage.screenState || {};
        state = state[currentPage] = state[currentPage] || {};
        state = state[dockMode] = state[dockMode] || {};
    // Save to localStorage
    state.height = height;
    state.width = width;
    state.left = left;
    state.top = top;

    window.localStorage['rjgtav.youtube-mini-player'] = JSON.stringify(localStorage);

    return state;

function _getBoundingDocumentRect(e) {
    var box = e.getBoundingClientRect();

    var body = document.body;
    var docEl = document.documentElement;

    var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || body.scrollTop;
    var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docEl.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft;

    var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
    var clientLeft = docEl.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;

    var height = e.offsetHeight;
    var width = e.offsetWidth;
    var top  = box.top +  scrollTop - clientTop;
    var left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;

    return { height, width, top, left };

// Event Handlers
// Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34077641/how-to-detect-page-navigation-on-youtube-and-modify-html-before-page-is-rendered
function onPageLoad() {
    let isFirstTime = iframe == null;

    // Parse query params
    queryParams = {};
    let params = window.location.search.substring(1).split('&');
    params.forEach((param) => {
        let pair = param.split('=');
        queryParams[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);

    // Parse current page
    currentPage = null;
    currentPage = currentPage == null && queryParams.v != null ? PAGE_WATCH : currentPage;
    currentPage = currentPage == null && queryParams.search_query != null ? PAGE_SEARCH : currentPage;
    currentPage = currentPage == null && window.location.href.indexOf('/channel/') != -1 ? PAGE_CHANNEL : currentPage;
    currentPage = currentPage == null && window.location.href.indexOf('/feeed/subscriptions') != -1 ? PAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS : currentPage;
    currentPage = currentPage == null ? PAGE_HOME : currentPage;

    if (currentPage == PAGE_WATCH) {

        // Make sure the mini player is visible (in case it was hidden by the user)
    document.body.appendChild(windowResizeListener); // Note: we need to append this before the window.onload
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        _updateScreenState(isFirstTime, true);
function onPageTitle(event) {
    let index = document.title.indexOf('- YouTube');
    if (index > -1)
        screenTitle.innerText = document.title.substring(0, index);

function onIframeLoad(event) {
    // Workaround: we use intervals so this still runs when the tab isn't focused
    intervalIframeInitialize = setInterval(() => {
        iframeVideo = iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
        if (iframeVideo) {
            iframeVideo.currentTime = video.currentTime;
            iframeVideo.onended = onIframeVideoEnded;
    }, 25);
function onIframeVideoEnded(event) {
    if (currentPage != PAGE_WATCH) return;

    // In order to trigger Youtube's functionality (e.g. AutoPlay, Playlist), we need to make the original video trigger the 'ended' event
    // Therefore, we seek to the end and play it. See #onVideoSeek() for details
    video.currentTime = video.duration - 0.25;

function onScreenButtonCloseClick(event) {

function onScreenMouseDown(event) {

    isScreenMove = event.target == screenButtonMove;
    isScreenResize = event.target == screenButtonResizeBottomRight || event.target == screenButtonResizeTopRight;
    iframe.style.pointerEvents = 'none';

    screenButtonMove.removeEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);
    screenButtonResizeBottomRight.removeEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);
    screenButtonResizeTopRight.removeEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);

    document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', onScreenMouseUp);
    document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', onScreenMouseMove);
function onScreenMouseUp(event) {

    if (isScreenMove) {
        // Save
        _saveScreenState(currentDockMode, screen.offsetHeight, screen.offsetWidth, screen.offsetLeft, screen.offsetTop);
    if (isScreenResize) {
        var currentSize = screen.getBoundingClientRect();
        //screen.style.left =(screen.offsetLeft - (currentSize.width - screen.offsetWidth) / 2) + 'px';
        //screen.style.top = (screen.offsetTop - (currentSize.height - screen.offsetHeight) / 2) + 'px';
        screen.style.height = currentSize.height + 'px';
        screen.style.width = currentSize.width + 'px';
        screen.style.transform = '';

        // Save
        _saveScreenState(currentDockMode, currentSize.height, currentSize.width, screen.offsetLeft, screen.offsetTop);

    isScreenMove = isScreenResize = false;
    iframe.style.pointerEvents = 'initial';

    document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', onScreenMouseUp);
    document.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', onScreenMouseMove);

    screenButtonMove.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);
    screenButtonResizeBottomRight.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);
    screenButtonResizeTopRight.addEventListener('mousedown', onScreenMouseDown);
function onScreenMouseMove(event) {

    if (isScreenMove) {
        screen.style.left = Math.min(window.innerWidth - screen.offsetWidth - SCREEN_PADDING, Math.max(SCREEN_PADDING, parseInt(screen.style.left) + event.movementX)) + 'px';
        screen.style.top = Math.min(window.innerHeight - screen.offsetHeight - SCREEN_PADDING, Math.max(148, parseInt(screen.style.top) + event.movementY)) + 'px';
    if (isScreenResize) {
        var currentSize = screen.getBoundingClientRect();

        var width = screen.offsetWidth;
        var newWidth = currentSize.width + event.movementX;
        screen.style.transform = 'scaleX(' + newWidth / width + ') scaleY(' + newWidth / width + ')';

function onScreenTitleClick(event) {
    var videoUrl = window.location.href.split('&t=')[0];
    window.location.href = videoUrl + (iframeVideo ? ('&t=' + parseInt(iframeVideo.currentTime)) : '');

function onScreenTransitionEnd(event) {
    if (event && event.propertyName != 'transform') return;
    screen.removeEventListener('transitionend', onScreenTransitionEnd);

    if (currentDockMode == DOCK_FLOATING) {
        iframe.style.boxShadow = '0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.22)';

    screen.className = currentDockMode;
    screen.style.left = currentAnimation.end.left + 'px';
    screen.style.top = currentAnimation.end.top + 'px';     
    screen.style.transform = '';
    screen.style.transition = '';
    currentAnimation = null;
    currentAnimationCancelled = false;

function onMoviePlayerObserve(mutators) {
    if (mutators[0].addedNodes.length > 0)

function onVideoPlay(event) {
    if (video == null) return;
    if (!(video.duration > 0 && Math.abs(video.currentTime - video.duration) <= 1)) // See #onIframeVideoEnded() for details
function onVideoSeek(event) {
    if (video == null) return;
    if (video.duration > 0 && Math.abs(video.currentTime - video.duration) <= 1) { // See #onIframeVideoEnded() for details
    } else {
        if (iframeVideo != null)
            iframeVideo.currentTime = video.currentTime;
        // Make sure the mini player is visible (in case it was hidden by the user)

function onWindowResize() {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
function onWindowScroll(event) {


How to bind popups to Leaflet layers?

So, I’m trying to make a map using geoJSON. My layer has a lot of points, so I’m using circle markers for performance. I’m a bit unclear on how to chain the pointsToLayer method and an onEachFeature function.

Currently, my code looks like this:

L.geoJSON(features, {
  pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng){
     return L.circleMarker(latlng, circleMarkerOptions);

The current code works, but I haven’t had much luck with the syntax of attaching the popups to the individual features.

Violating Content Secuirty Policy in Electron app using React and Webpack

I am currently making a small application that is trying to fetch data from an API. To begin, I used electron-forge’s webpack and react template to get started.

Without any CSP configuration in the meta tag of the HTML file, I get this error:

enter image description here

Added the following CSP to my main HTML file:

      content="default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data: https://api.flybywire.com/;"

This results in this error with a blank page in the renderer (before, it displayed the rest of the page correctly).

enter image description here

If I add ‘unsafe-eval’ to the CSP, I get this.

enter image description here

The strange thing is it appears that there are two CSP policies going on here. I have made an electron app without WebPack before that fetched data online with no issue, and I am unfamiliar with it. I have a feeling the issue lies in there.

I’ve tried editing my webpack.renderer.config.js by adding devtool: "eval-source-map" under module.exports to no avail.

The source code is available under this github repository , however I haven’t pushed the version that calls the data fetching function which is located in metar.jsx.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been scouring around for a fix for days now.

How do I return firestore result in svelte?

How do you get the result from this in svelte into the page:

async function getCities(db) {
  const citiesCol = collection(db, 'cities');
  const citySnapshot = await getDocs(citiesCol);
  const cityList = citySnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data());
  return cityList;

Issue with equired with Page Object model design with Playwright test

Below is the code for the test file

const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test')
const HomePage = require('./pageobejcts/HomePage')

test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto("https://automationexercise.com/");

test('Navigate to Login', async ({ page }) => {

    let homepage = new HomePage(page);
    await expect(page.locator('//div[@class="signup-form"]/h2')).toBeVisible();
    await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });

    //await expect(page.locator('//img[@alt="Website for automation practice"]')).toBeVisible;


And below is code for one of the Screen class

class HomePage {
    constructor(page) {
        this.page = page;
        this.signupLnk = '//a[@href="/login"]';

    async clickSignupLink() {

        await this.page.click(this.signupLnk);


module.exports = HomePage;

Now the above code works fine. But in the Screen Class as there is not Page object defined, there is no auto complete/documentation available when using the Page methods.

eg On writing page.click(), the IDE does not recognise the click function and does not suggest the correct parameters

Is there a way to resolve this.

Simplest ways of getting CSV headers from URL

I’ve built a web-app that allows users to upload contacts using CSV files, and I’d like them to be able to map the CSV header fields to the app’s fields.

The issue I’m facing is that I’m trying to figure out an efficient and simple way to return a list of CSV headers from a CSV link, ideally as an HTTP request or using JavaScript.

For example, this is a CSV of hurricane counts:

The headers are:

Month, "Average", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015"

I’ve had the idea to write a Python script that does this, then run it as an API using AWS Lambda.

Is there another way to get this done faster or without the setup?

Drop down when select the option from ajax another input field appear

Hi i needed some help where if i select a drop down and select from ajax option and a hidden input field appear how can i do it ?

<div class="form-row">
  <div class="col">
    <label for="select-price-mode" class="col-form-label">Price Mode</label>
    <select class="select-price-mode custom-select-sm col-10" id="select-price-mode" required>
      <option selected disabled value="">Select ....</option>


  <div class="col" hidden>
    <label for="select-payment-frequency" class="col-form-label">Payment Frequency</label>
    <select class="select-payment-frequency custom-select-sm col-10" id="select-payment-frequency" required>
      <option selected disabled value="">Select ....</option>

This is my ajax

// Here the calling Ajax for the drop down menu below
    // The url that you're going to post

    This is the url that you're going to put to call the
    backend api,
    in this case, it's
    https://ecoexchange.dscloud.me:8080/api/get (production env)

    // The HTTP method that you're planning to use
    // i.e. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    // In this case it's a get method, so we'll use GET
    // In this case, we are going to use headers as
        // The query you're planning to call
        // i.e. <query> can be UserGet(0), RecyclableGet(0), etc.
        // Gets the apikey from the sessionStorage
    success:function(data,textStatus,xhr) {
        for (let option of data) {
            $('#select-price-mode').append($('<option>', {
                value: option.PriceMode,
                text: option.PriceMode
    error:function(xhr,textStatus,err) {

and this is my ajax response

        "PriceMode": "Price By Recyclables"
        "PriceMode": "Service Charger"

Where say if i select Price By Recyclables the hidden drop down list appear how can i do it ?

How to properly load build folder in WordPress

I am trying to convert my html to WordPress.

I have two folders, one is build folder which consist of:


Then on my other folder which called src:

-modules folder

I tried to load the HeroSlider.js on my function.js file on my WordPress theme folder like this:


function school_files(){
    wp_enqueue_script('main-school-js', get_theme_file_uri('/src/index.js'), NULL, '1.0', true);
    wp_enqueue_style('custom-google-font', '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Condensed:300,300i,400,400i,700,700i|Roboto:100,300,400,400i,700,700i"');
    wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"');
    wp_enqueue_style('school_main_styles', get_stylesheet_uri());

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'school_files');

But this one did not load my Hero Slider file on my WordPress file. How do I load it so i can make sure the template works?