I know there’s dozens of postings about Javascript form validation, but couldn’t find any to help me in my situation.
I have this form (re image below). i don’t have access to the HTML or CSS and can only add JS to the page.
The ‘original’ form only had the input fields: Email, Password & Confirm Password.
I’ve used JS to add the input fields: First Name & Last Name.
What im trying to do – When a person clicks the button it just validates the fields aren’t null and passwords match & if the fields have errors then it will show the red alert block (visible in my image above) & have a list item added for each field missing.
for example – if first name is missing it will add <li>First Name is a required field</li>
to the block. If both first name & last name are missing then it will add <li>First Name is a required field</li><li>Last Name is a required field</li>
If the validation all passes – then it writes the firstname & lastname to localstorage & performs a click action on the actual (hidden) submit button.
And obviously if validation fails – it shows alert block (with error list items) & doesn’t write to local storage or perform click action.
Here’s all the JS code i currently have.
Obviously the 2 new input fields are being added. Its writing to localstorage. Just struggling with the validation.
$(document).ready(function () {
function insertBefore(referenceNode, newNode) {
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode);
//Change the heading text
var title = document.getElementById("ContentContainer_MainContent_MainContent_RegisterLocalFormHeading").parentNode.querySelector(".xrm-attribute-value");
title.innerText = "Register for a CEDA account";
//Add the firstname & lastname fields above email field.
var email = document.getElementById("ContentContainer_MainContent_MainContent_ShowEmail");
var lastname = document.createElement('div');
lastname.id = "LastName";
lastname.innerHTML = "<label class='col-sm-4 control-label required' for='LastNameTextBox'><span id='ContentContainer_MainContent_MainContent_LastNameLabel'><span class='xrm-editable-text xrm-attribute'><span class='xrm-attribute-value'>Last Name</span></span></span></label><div class='col-sm-8'><input name='ctl00$ctl00$ContentContainer$MainContent$MainContent$LastNameTextBox' type='text' autocomplete='off' id='LastNameTextBox' class='form-control' aria-required='true'></div></div>";
insertBefore(email, lastname)
var firstname = document.createElement('div');
firstname.id = "FirstName";
firstname.innerHTML = "<label class='col-sm-4 control-label required' for='FirstNameTextBox'><span id='ContentContainer_MainContent_MainContent_FirstNameLabel'><span class='xrm-editable-text xrm-attribute'><span class='xrm-attribute-value'>First Name</span></span></span></label><div class='col-sm-8'><input name='ctl00$ctl00$ContentContainer$MainContent$MainContent$FirstNameTextBox' type='text' autocomplete='off' id='FirstNameTextBox' class='form-control' aria-required='true'></div></div>";
insertBefore(lastname, firstname);
//Add our fake Register button & hide the actual button
var regButton = document.createElement('input');
regButton.id = "customSubmitButton";
regButton.classList.add("btn", "btn-success");
regButton.setAttribute("name", "ctl00$ctl00$ContentContainer$MainContent$MainContent$customSubmitButton");
regButton.setAttribute("value", "Register");
insertBefore(document.getElementById("SubmitButton"), regButton);
var submitButton = document.getElementById("SubmitButton");
submitButton.style.visibility = "hidden";
//Create our AlertError Box
var errorBox = document.createElement('div');
errorBox.id = "validationSummary";
errorBox.classList.add("listStyleTypeNone", "alert", "alert-block", "alert-danger");
errorBox.innerHTML = "<ul role='presentation'></ul>";
var heading = document.getElementsByClassName("login-heading-section")[0];
heading.parentNode.insertBefore(errorBox, heading.nextSibling);
errorBox.style.display = "none";
regButton.onclick = saveData;
function saveData() {
errorBox.style.display = "block";
localStorage.setItem("CEDAFName", document.getElementById("FirstNameTextBox").value);
localStorage.setItem("CEDALName", document.getElementById("LastNameTextBox").value);
function validateForm() {
var errfirstname, errlastname, errEmail, errPass1, errPass2;
if ($("#FirstNameTextBox").valid() == false) {
errfirstname = "<li>First Name is a required field</li>";
if ($("#LastNameTextBox").valid() == false) {
errlastname = "<li>Last Name is a required field</li>"