Training Module

Training Module

MD based Multimedia company seeks experienced programmer to design a self sustaining website which consits of the following:

Users need to be able login and create accounts which allows users to use 3 interative animated training modules 30 pages each with multiple choice quizzes. Modules will also a virtual video teacher throughout which will be provided with audio. Modules need to grade answers and transfer the results to the users account which can be viewed online. Upload features also need to be available. Experienced designers need only to apply.

Photo Editing Merging 7 Cases

Photo Editing Merging 7 Cases

this is a photo merging task in photoshop.

1) they are total of 7 rooms that we took pictures of.
2) each room consist of multiple pictures
3) your goal is to put the pictures next to eachother (merge) so that you have 1 final picture
4) the folder Room Suite 334 has been already completed so that you can see an example
5) each folder represents one room
6) each folder contains 1-4 rounds of pictures for the same room, while each round is marked with a human hand in the picture so you know that a new round is starting.
7) photoshop has a function for photomerge (FILE->Automate->Photomerge..) you can use this function or do it manually to merge the photo.
8) you need a powerful PC to do this job most likely
9) try to close photoshop after each room so that you have new PC memory available to run this program.
10) sometimes you might need to merge just a few picture and then merge another group and the merge the 2, see what works best for you.
11) if a particular image is bad from one round, maybe you can use the same picture location from a different round within the same folder.

for any usable picture that you send us you will paid $10. we will update this listing description as we no longer need a particular room.

even if you can only do 1 or 2 pictures you will be paid for what you did.

the files can be found here:

Complete Marketing

Complete Marketing

We want a firm that is capable of handling all facets of marketing for a number of projects.

Provider must be versed in articles, emails campaigns, website design, SEO, Auto-responders, Meta tags, Key Words, Squeeze pages,
Forums, Blogs, Links – one way and reciprocal, Press releases,
videos – syndication

Social Media

Affiliate Marketing, Contests or giveaways, Google Ads, Pay Per Click
Banner Advertising, Directories

What is your rate by project and by hour?

Please provide samples, references, resume, etc.

Embed 200 Youtube Videos

Embed 200 Youtube Videos

I need somebody to embed 200 tattoo videos from YouTube into a website.

I will give you a list of keywords to search for on youtube. Then you must pick out only the good/quality videos.

You need to write a Title, Description (100+ words on what the video is about) and Tags.

You then need to copy the embed code (and change video player size) and copy the photo and upload it.

You must be able to write perfect english and be able to select quality videos only.

Need A Good Fast Video Editor

Need A Good Fast Video Editor

I am looking for someone who can take live video and combine it per directions and a script with slides, and still images. Need sweet transitions, music bed, etc. You need to know what type of music to use with different video styles, but the rest of the editing I will be pretty specific on.

I will show qualified candidates the type of quality I expect in PMB.

Please bid on editing/producing a 3 minute video from raw footage and direction on the still shots, etc.

Preference given to those with a nice video portfolio and quick turn around time.

Check my feeback, you will see I give great direction and pay very quickly. If you know how to do great video we wil get a long GREAT!

Will escrow funds.

Image And Video Script Merge

Image And Video Script Merge

I would like to merge the registration and login forms for my image and video script. The image and video script use 2 separate databases. I would like that when users create an account the script creates there account for the image and video script together in the 2 databases instead of having users create 2 separate accounts. I have the login and registration forms for both scripts attached. The register.module file is part of the video registration form. I would also like to add “Connect with facebook” into the login form so that people have an option to either login using existing information from our database or connect using there facebook account to gain access. If you would like to see the script visit

Flash Banner

Flash Banner

I need a Flash banner created, of the “pushdown” kind. The exact specs, requirements, actions scripts to be used are specified in the attached Excel file and must be followed exactly, and an example of a sample banner (but not how our own banner will look, but just to give an idea) along with brief explanation in also included in the attached GIF file. You will be provided with a mockup of our banner (Photoshop file, with vector smart objects that you may use in the Flash banner) and all the corresponding files that you will need to create the banner.

The banner itself may have some very basic animation (like a rollover, some sliding text or image, or fade), apart from the expansion of the pushdown banner itself.

Once you’re done, we’d need all of the FLA and SWF files. And of course, this project is urgent because it is tied with an ad campaign that is to run soon.