Quality Press Releases Required: 50 Needed

I need 50 Press releases Urgently.


* You should experience in writing press releases
* You Should strictly follow the “Press Release Writing guidelines” to write a Perfect PR
* Free from Grammar & other Errors
* Timely submission of the project.

My project cost: $50 for 50 500 Words Press Releases($1 per Press release)

Sims2gousa 2

EXPERT IN MAGENTO REQUIRED to Make a full copy of sims2go.co.uk website in Magento and configure existing API`s for PAYPAL, Billing platform, etc for the new IP address that it will now sit on.

Some small modification to the website graphics, replace existing Flash animation on home page with different animation. Change website logo and telephone numbers (all provided). Add dealer log-in page and configure a separate dealer store in the back-end.

Add pages design to our website (Russian) by TodaysJob

Hello, I am looking for website designer who can design 4 extra pages for our website smarttv.co.il. I would like to add on-line purchase of our services and need designed pages. the final delivery of the designs should be in HTML… (Budget: $30-$250 USD, Jobs: Graphic Design, User Interface / IA, Website Design)