Light Music Pack 01 (Electronic)

Time in preview 00:00 – 003_Dream_time.wav (duration 2:06)

This music fantasy brings light and joy. Its sweet melody , pleasurable soft sound and rhythm will
perfectly go together with a colourful beginning of your project.

Time in preview 02:06 – 023_Electric_bells.wav (duration 3:20)

Electric Bells fantasia is a soft and romantic synth sound with a warm mood and light melodic part. It
will make a nice background for your project

Time in preview 05:25 – 026_Electric_bells_2.wav (duration 3:05)

A light background fantasy with an interesting rhythm for your video. Transparency of a morning mist, a
beautiful landscape, a quiet sound of a car passing by.

Time in preview 08:31 – 028_Evning_theme.wav (duration 2:46)

The evening melody and rhythm. Evening after a hard working day. Images: a comfortable scenery, soft
furniture, the lights of the town in the window.

Time in preview 11:17 – 068_Sunny_lounge.wav (duration 2:42)

A light and melodical fantasia. Enjoyable sound and rhythm are taking you to the big sunlit hall.

Total Time 14:00

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Download Light Music Pack 01 (Electronic)

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