The Mouse in the Piano (Children’s)

A soft, happy and light piano tune, with a catchy riff and a balanced glockenspiel counterpoint. This track will uplift any presentation that needs a soft, light, gentle and uplifting touch to it.
Your download pack includes :
– a full version
– a short 10” jingle version with only piano and glockenspiel (starting at 1:49 in the preview track)
– a short 10” jingle version with the beat and the string section (starting at 2:01 in the pre view track)

I’m always keen to collaborate with Videohive authors. Feel free to use any track in my portfolio to give your project a musical lift. Please include a link to my track and email me a link to your project so I can include it on my profile page.

I’m available freelance for any synchro/temp edit work, revision or to create your own custom music. Feeling creative?

Download The Mouse in the Piano (Children’s)

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