Music description
A fresh collection of happy, magical, sentimental and childlike Christmas music suitable for a wide variety of projects.
Includes the following tracks:
Christmas is Here, 2:20
Christmas is Here – no sleigh bells, 2:20
Christmas Magic, 2:22
Falling Snow, 2:09
Falling Snow – no sleigh bells, 2:09
Santa’s Toy Shop, 1:18
Santa’s Toy Shop – no toys, 1:18
Santa’s Toy Shop – no toys no sleigh bells, 1:18
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Web and social media links
Attention all VideoHive authors:
You may use any of my preview tracks for your projects provided you give my music track a link in your description (like “featuring the music track ‘Keys to Success’ by pinkzebra”). Also, please send me an email to let me know about your item so that I can include links to your item in my profile and item descriptions to help promote your project. Thanks! ~pinkzebra