Pleiades (Atmospheres, Soundscapes)

”… Pleiades – an absent-minded congestion in constellation of a Taurus; one of the nearest to the Earth and one of the absent-minded congestions most appreciable for a naked eye. In books Krajona (author-whether Keroll) the constellation Seven Sisters is repeatedly mentioned as the planet location where there live advanced biological primogenitors” Homo sapiens “(the Person Reasonable), i.e. ourselves, recent on the Earth. Under the statement of group Sushchnostej by name of Krajon, therefrom was the biological material of a human body for an embodiment of our souls on mother Earth is taken. Also the name of the Central Sun which is used by scientists for the given constellation often appears in these books…”
P.S. Album continuation “Space”

Download Pleiades (Atmospheres, Soundscapes)

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