click() only works after setTimeout, but can’t find the dependency

On a mobile version of a webpage (really just if (window.innerWidth <= 1024){}), I have a script to run a click() method on an element (a fullscreen icon) after the user clicks on an image.

It all works as expected when I have a setTimeout(()=>}, 600).

When I remove the timeout or set it to shorter wait times (100ms <= 500ms), it “works”, but the visuals aren’t correct.

I speculate something needs to load / run before the click() can be run, and I want to put an eventListener or another MutationObserve on it. But I can’t find any difference in document.body before and after the timeout. What am I missing here?

I uploaded a copy of the site here:

I’ve also included a screen recording showing it working and not working.

In the screen recording, look for:

  • First load: all works as expected. Timeout is 700ms. Background is opaque. Image is clear.
  • Next several loads: either the background is semi-transparent or the image is dark.
  • Last load: all works as expected. Timeout is back to 700ms.


"use strict";
console.log("sandbox js loaded");

// Loads lightbox images in fullscreen by default on mobile

const bsaPortfolioImg = document

const bsaPortfolioImgFsBtn = document.getElementsByClassName(

console.log("bsaPortfolioImg: ", bsaPortfolioImg);
console.log("bsaPortfolioImg[0]: ", bsaPortfolioImg[0]);

console.log("bsaPortfolioImgFsBtn: ", bsaPortfolioImgFsBtn);

function bsaOnElementAvailable(selector, callback) {
  const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
    if (document.querySelector(selector)) {

  observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

if (window.innerWidth <= 1024) {
  bsaOnElementAvailable(".ilightbox-fullscreen", () => {
    console.log("element available!!");
    // bsaPortfolioImgFsBtn[0].click();

    console.log("document.body before Timeout: ", document.body);

    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("document.body after Timeout: ", document.body);
    }, 600);