How to access astro props inside a script tag?

I am a new user testing out Astro. I currently have the following:


import App from "../components/App.astro"
import KeycloakApp from "../components/KeycloakApp.astro";
const isAuthEnabled = true;   //switch for local dev vs deployment
var isAuthenticated = true;  //placeholder for keycloak component
if (!isAuthenticated) {
    return Astro.redirect('/Welcome');
{isAuthEnabled ? <KeycloakApp isAuthenticated={isAuthenticated} /> : <App />}


import App from "../components/App.astro"
var {isAuthenticated} = Astro.props;
<!-- Keycloak wrapper of the regular App -->
<button id="flip">click me to flip isAuthenticated!</button>
    function flip() {
        isAuthenticated = !{isAuthenticated};
{isAuthenticated && <App />}

How can I access the value of isAuthenticated inside my script? The name isAuthenticated cannot be found.
enter image description here

I am trying to reference the docs here enter image description here