How to display a sprite in pixi js

I’m using pixi js v8.1.1. I am able to disply a graphic, but when I try to wrap it in a sprite, it no longer shows up.

renderer = await PIXI.autoDetectRenderer({});
const app = new Application();
await app.init({ background: '#8effe5', width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight, antialias: true });

let x = 0, y = 0;

const diamond = new Sprite(
    new Graphics()
      .drawPolygon([x, (tileHeight / 2) + y, (TILE_WIDTH / 2) + x, y, TILE_WIDTH + x, (tileHeight / 2) + y, (TILE_WIDTH / 2) + x, tileHeight + y])
      .stroke({ width: 2, color: 0x000000 })
