When firing the click function by cliking the child div, how can get the parent event?

const onMenuItemClick = (event) =>{
    console.log("onMenuItemClick data-id",event.target.getAttribute('data-id'));

html (JSX) is like this below,

One parent div which has two children div

<div onClick={onMenuItemClick} data-id="show">
         <div className={styles['contextIconBox']}>
          <img src={btn_delete} className={styles['contextIcon']}/></div>
          <div className={styles['contextLabel']}> myarea</div>

When cliking this div onMenuItemClick is called

However data-id is not fetched(data-id is null),

I guess maybe, this is becasuse onMenuClick is fired but event is not the parent div?

How can I get dhe data-id here?