When i try to display on front-end the variavel “face_names” he always come empty

I have a facial recognition webapp in django, and I’m trying to show the user through a variable "face_names" which names are being captured on the screen, but it is always empty even when it has values ​​inside.

I’ve already tried just putting the value, you always have to search for a different value and it still didn’t work, I just wanted to show it in text form.


class FaceRecognition: 
    def run_recognition(self, request, frame):
        response_data = {
        "face_names": face_names,
        print("response_data:", response_data)
        # Vamos retornar esse dicionário.
        return JsonResponse (response_data)


<h1 class="titulo">Camera</h1>
<div id="error-message" style="display: none;">
<p>Error aaccessing Camera </p>
    <video id="video" autoplay></video>
    <canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="480" style="display: none;"></canvas>
    <div id="processing-message" style="display: none;">Running</div>
    <div id="face-names"></div>
    <button id="capture-button" onclick="captureFrame()">Capture Frame</button>


function sendFrameToServer(blob) {
        const data = new FormData();
        data.append('frame_data', blob, 'frame.jpg');

        fetch('/processar_reconhecimento_facial/', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'X-CSRFToken': getCookie('csrftoken') // Adicione o token CSRF
            body: data
        }).then(response => {
            if (response.ok) {
                // Se a resposta for bem-sucedida, capture o próximo frame
            if (response.headers.get('Content-Type') === 'application/json') {
                console.log("json response");

                return response.json();
            } else {
                console.log("blob response");
                return response.blob();
        .then(data => {
            if (data.message === 'redirecionamento') {
                window.location.href = data.url;
            if (data.face_names) {
                document.getElementById('face-names').innerText = data.face_names;
            } else {
                document.getElementById('face-names').innerText = 'Nome detectado: Nao sei porque nao deu certo';
                console.log('face_names is undefined');
                console.log('data:', data);
                console.log('face_names:', data.face_names);

        .catch(error => {
            console.error('Error sending frame to server:', error);


Django Termnial: response_data: {'face_names': ['andre']}

Web Console:

Response {type: 'basic', url: '', redirected: false, status: 200, ok: true, …}
reconhecimento_facial/:79 json response
reconhecimento_facial/:80 FormData {}
reconhecimento_facial/:96 face_names is undefined
reconhecimento_facial/:97 data: {message: Array(0)}
reconhecimento_facial/:98 face_names: undefined