High Number of Database Queries and Slow Load Times

I’m running a WooCommerce-based WordPress site with over 1 million products. Lately, I’ve noticed that the page load times have significantly slowed down. After using the Query Monitor plugin to analyze performance, I found that the pages are taking around 18-20 seconds to load, and this is largely due to the high number of database queries being executed by WooCommerce.

To further investigate, I copied my wp_posts table and reduced the number of products to 1,000. However, even with this smaller dataset, the load times were still around 6-8 seconds, which is still quite high.

My questions are:

  1. How can I reduce the number of queries and improve the load times in WooCommerce and Elementor?
  2. What are the best practices for optimizing performance for large WooCommerce catalogs?
  3. What are the recommended caching strategies to address this issue?
  4. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Additional Information:

  • Database: AWS RDS
  • WooCommerce Version: 8.6.1
  • WordPress Version: 6.5.2
  • PHP Version: 8.3.2
  • Used Plugins: Query Monitor, Branda, Elementor Pro, Elementor, Google Listings and Ads, Google tarafından Site Kit, Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP, JetSmartFilters, Loco Translate, WooCommerce, Woodmart Core, Yoast SEO Premium, Yoast SEO, WP Fastest Cache
  • Theme: Woodmart

What I’ve tried:

  • Analyzing Performance with Query Monitor – Identified high number of queries.
  • Using a Caching Plugin – Tried Wp Fastest Cache, but still experiencing performance issues.
  • Disabling Unnecessary Plugins – Disabled some unnecessary plugins, but this didn’t have much impact.
  • Reducing the Number of Products – Reduced the number of products to 1,000, but load times were still 6-8 seconds.

query monitor