Implementing Calories Tracker On An Existing

Implementing Calories tracker on an existing ASP.NET/JQuery website using facebook login.

Technologies: ASP.NET,C#, JQuery, Ajax, SQL Server,FaceBook Connect and other Facebook APIs

We already have an site existing which is basically a calculator site. In this site, we need to implement user login using their Facebook account. After user logs in he will have a profile page where the following personal calorie tracker needs to be implemented. Calorie tracker is specific to each user. SQL Server DB must be used to store the data. User must be identified using his facebook unique id. Master database of each meal and its associated calories will be provided once the bid is accepted. Stored procedures / EntityFramework etc. can be used.

Please check the attached doc for more details.

Please bid only if u are a fulltime programmer as I need to finish this of quickly. Part time programmers , please excuse.

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