Google Client API: Uncaught TypeError: Argument must be an instance of RenderAccountIssuesRequestPayload

Data sources

I use this releas of google client api library – for php 7.4 – this one

And use this samples library to make some requests to my Google Shopping (Google Merchant) account.

My problen IS:

When I try to call such function in my script.php file, it trow the error.

public function get_info($accountId) { $status = $this->session->service->merchantsupport->renderaccountissues( $this->session->merchantId, '{ "contentOption": "CONTENT_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED" }'); return $status; }

The error is:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to GoogleServiceShoppingContentResourceMerchantsupport::renderaccountissues() must be an instance of GoogleServiceShoppingContentRenderAccountIssuesRequestPayload, string given, called in /home/tatam0/tadam/test/php_merchant_api/AccountstatusesSample.php on line 65 and defined in /home/tatam0/tadam/test/php_merchant_api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/ShoppingContent/Resource/Merchantsupport.php:54

Here is documentation on this funtcion renderaccountissues() – I did as it says

What does mean “must be an instance of RenderAccountIssuesRequestPayload”? I do not understand, how can I change my php-code to make this funnction work correctly?

I tried to make an object or an array from this ‘{ “contentOption”: “CONTENT_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED” }’, but it does not help.