How to Exclude Specific Fields from Populated Documents in Mongoose Aggregation Pipelines?

I am using Mongoose aggregation pipelines with the $lookup stage to populate referenced documents. How can I exclude specific fields from the populated documents while retaining all other fields in the original document?

There is a Task schema that contains the ‘case’ field referenced from the Case schema. I want that, while querying the tasks using aggregation and lookup, I want to exclude some fields of the Case schema but include all fields of the Task schema.
(Include all field of Tasks, and only case_id, case_number from case (exclude rest all from case))

Task Schema

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const taskSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    case: {
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: "Case"
    task_field_2: {
      type: String
    task_field_3: {
      type: String
    task_field_N: {
     type: String
module.exports = mongoose.model('Task', taskSchema);

Case Schema:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const caseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    case_id: {
      type: Number,
      unique: true,
    case_number: {
      type: String,
    case_field_2: {
      type: String
    case_field_3: {
      type: String
    case_field_N: {
     type: String
module.exports = mongoose.model('Case', caseSchema);

I tried to do this, but it is excluding all fields of Tasks also.

$project: {
   "case.case_id": 1,
   "case.case_number": 1,