I have created a website named “Clush Sport” using Next.js with app routes and implementing server-side rendering.
The issue I’m encountering is that even after removing all the featured products from the backend, I am still receiving the featured product inside the build.
So here the sample code.
import ChampionsinAction from "@/components/home/ChampionsinAction";
import FeaturedProduct from "@/components/home/FeaturedProduct";
import HomeBanner from "@/components/home/HomeBanner";
import HomeBlog from "@/components/home/HomeBlog";
import HomeDeisgnTool from "@/components/home/HomeDeisgnTool";
import HomeSample from "@/components/home/HomeSample";
import HomeSteps from "@/components/home/HomeSteps";
import HomeTrust from "@/components/home/HomeTrust";
import BlogService from "@/service/BlogService";
import ContentService from "@/service/ContentService";
import ProductService from "@/service/ProductService";
import SettingsService from "@/service/SettingsService";
export default async function Home() {
const data = await getFeaturedProducts();
const blogData = await getBlogs();
const sampleProducts = await getSampleProducts();
const testimonials = await getstestimonials();
const pageData = await getPageContent();
const bannersection = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "Home Banner"
const FeaturedProducts = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "Featured Products"
const HomeStepsData = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "Easy As 1, 2 & 3"
const HomeSampleData = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "See, Feel, Believe"
const ChampionsinActionData = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "Champions in action"
const BuiltOnTrustData = pageData.sections.find(
(el: any) => el.title === "Built On Trust"
const blogsData = pageData.sections.find((el: any) => el.title === "Latest on clush sports");
console.log("pageData", pageData);
return (
<HomeBanner data={bannersection} />
<HomeDeisgnTool />
<FeaturedProduct products={data} data={FeaturedProducts} />
<HomeSteps data={HomeStepsData} />
<HomeSample products={sampleProducts} data={HomeSampleData} />
<ChampionsinAction data={ChampionsinActionData} />
<HomeTrust testimonials={testimonials} data={BuiltOnTrustData} />
<HomeBlog blogData={blogData} data={blogsData} />
async function getPageContent() {
let name = "home";
const data = ContentService.getContentData(name);
return data;
async function getFeaturedProducts() {
const products = ProductService.getFeaturedProducts(null);
return products;
async function getBlogs() {
const blogs = BlogService.getFrontBlogs(null);
return blogs;
async function getSampleProducts() {
const products = ProductService.getHomeSampleProducts(null);
return products;
async function getstestimonials() {
const testimonials = SettingsService.getTestimonials(null);
return testimonials;
"use client";
import { Suspense } from "react";
import Carousel from "../reuseable/Carousel";
const FeaturedProduct = ({ products, data }: any) => {
console.log("products: ", products);
let blockData = data?.blocks[0];
console.log("blockData", blockData);
return (
<div className="home-featured-pro float-left mt-[60px] lgx:mt-[90px] w-full pt-[53px] pb-[60px] lgx:pb-13">
<div className="container mx-auto">
<h2 className="text-4xl md:text-5xl lgx:text-64px font-bold leading-noraml tracking-[1.28px] text-center text-black mb-3">
className="text-center text-lg lg:text-xl font-medium tracking-[0.48px] captilize w-full max-w-[1173px] mx-auto mb-[23px] lgx:mb-10"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: blockData.description }}
<div className="featured-slider centerSlider w-full">
// carouselSettings={carouselSettings}
buttontext={"Costomize Now"}
buttonClass="customize-now w-[calc(100%-40px)] md:w-[calc(100%-(40px*2))] 2xl:w-[calc(100%-(68px*2))] text-xl md:text-2xl font-bold leading-noraml tracking-[0.48px] uppercase text-white text-center mx-auto block bg-w-blue hover:bg-w-green px-4 py-6 absolute bottom-[20px] lgx:bottom-[68px] left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 opacity-0 invisible"
export default FeaturedProduct;
Alright, so this is not just the issue with FeaturedProduct; every section has the same issue.