Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation using Quasar Framework

I am using the Quasar Framework on a Vue3 application.

I have “successfully” integrated the <q-slider /> component. However, upon panning the knob on the component, the following message gets logged on the console.

Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation

Efforts to resolve the issue have pointed me towards the browser with a common css solution being style="touch-action: pan-x;" but this does not work for me.

I have tested this on;

  • Chrome: issue exists,
  • Edge: issue exists,
  • Firefox: issue exists
  • Safari: issue DOES NOT exist.

My Quasar versions are:

  • “@quasar/extras”: “^1.16.9”,
  • “quasar”: “^2.15.1”,
  • “@quasar/app-vite”: “^1.8.0”,