How can I break the foor loop within the then block? [duplicate]

I’m new to Cypress and Javascript. I want to create a loop that executes a request with different values until I get a certain response.

let continue_loop = 1

loginLoop : for (let i = 1; i < 100; i++){
                    // url: Cypress.env("web_api")+"/1.0/user/login",
                    url: Cypress.env("api").staging+"/1.0/user/login",
                    method: "POST",
                    failOnStatusCode: false,
                    body: {
                        email: "email"+i+"",
                        password: "Helloworld10"
                }).then((response) => {                
                    if (response.status == 403) {
                        continue_loop = 2

                if (continue_loop == 2){
                    break loginLoop;

It seems that continue_loop only gets the value 2 within the then block, because after it always returns to 1 so the loop never breaks. I also tried to use Cypress aliases but it’s the same result. How can I achieve this?