Leaflet GeoSearch: Google Provider not working

I’m trying to incorporate search in my map using the Google Provider (I’m using this (Smeijer/Leaflet-GeoSearch) plugin with Leaflet), however I’m not able to make it work.
My code is very direct:

        const searchControl = new GeoSearch.GeoSearchControl({
            provider: new GeoSearch.GoogleProvider({
                apiKey: 'MY_GOOGLE_API_KEY'}),
            position: 'topright',
            style: 'bar',
            // provider: new GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider(),

If I use the OSM provider (commented out in the code above), the search works fine (the results are kind of obsolete for my region, but it works) (Figure 1) . But if I use the Google Provider, nothing appears as a result of the search (Figure 2).



Some more details:

  • Both the Maps JS API and the Geocoding API are enabled on the Google Console (BTW, for the GridLayer I’m using GoogleMutant which uses the API key and it’s working flawless);
  • The API key is not under any restriction in the Google Console, since I’m only testing this integration for now;
  • The browser console outputs this:
    I don’t think it is related to this problem, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to mention it.