Firestore onSnapshot() is being called on getDocs(). how to prevent that? [duplicate]

My expectation is to observe the changes of my collection only when there is a WRITE/DELETE action. By doing some search I understood onSnapshot() method does that. But this method unexpectedly is being called when I’m reading my documents by getDocs().
Here is my code:

// Firestore instance is defined and collection reference is accessible

const db = getFirestore();
const todosCollection = collection(db, 'todos');

// For the sake of testing I even tried to stop the observer at the fetch method by using a boolean variable
let areTodosFetched = false;

function onTodosChange() {
    if (!areTodosFetched) {
      console.log('should return');
    onSnapshot(todosCollection, (snapShot) => {
      snapShot.docChanges().forEach((change) => {
        if (change.type === 'added') {
          // The code drops in this block!
          console.log('New todo: ',;
        if (change.type === 'modified') {
          console.log('Modified todo: ',;
        if (change.type === 'removed') {
          console.log('Removed todo: ',;

async function getTodos() {
    try {
      await getDocs(todosCollection);
      areTodosFetched = true;
    catch (error) {
      console.error('Error getting documents: ', error);

// In a component I'm executing them
await getTodos();

I removed all side effects of getTodos() method and I’m only calling await getDocs(todosCollection);

But still the observer is being called.