In Webpack, how do I expose vendor JS?

Outside of Webpack, I have compiled and minified custom modules and vendor modules together. The result is a JS file that is basically a concatenation of the separate JS files. If I use a third-party vendor plug-in like autoComplete.js, I can access its functions in the console by typing “autocomplete,” which renders the function object. The same applies to other vendor modules as well.

If I use Webpack to compile modules, I can’t access the autoComplete function in the console as before. How can I expose JS in this way so its functions are accessible? If I look at the rendered JS from Webpack, I can’t even find a function named autoComplete.

I have a main.ts file I am using as the entry to import the Sass and JS. The JS files are placed in their own src folder. I have attempted adjusting some of the module.exports settings in the config but I’m not sure how to tell Webpack to bundle these in a way that exposes the functions globally like the non-Webpack build.