How do I create a standalone app that saves inputs that can be recalled from memory after restarting the app?

How to create a standalone android application that saves inputs that can be recalled after restarting. Without using ‘import’ modules…

For example, when started the application opens in its own window, then asks…

1. Input
2. Recall

and if selecting ‘1’ I can enter any fact, using proper coding of course i.e.

bird = flying animal with feathers
pi = 3.14159
bedtime = 10.15pm

and stores the facts in it’s standalone program until opened again and then I can enter ‘2’ and ask it i.e.

"What is a bird?"
"What is pi?"
"What is my bedtime?"

and the program uses the inputs to figure out what is being asked and answers the questions.

I have tried using

def submit():


open with('')

codes but these don’t apply to a standalone application.