Issue with variable storing in js function [closed]

I’m trying to use a button to get seven random objects and put them as elements in HTML. I want it to be able to be used multiple times in succession. The function always works the first time, but when I try to use it a second time the variables still have the same value as they did in the end of the function. Excuse any bad coding practices I’m self-taught and just recently started. This project is an attempt at something slightly higher level.

//Test Meals
addMeal('test1','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test2','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test3','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test4','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test5','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test6','this is a test','testing');
addMeal('test7','this is a test','testing');

Meals is an array of these test objects.

//Function to pick a meal for each day of the week
function getWeek () {
    let tempMeals = meals;
    let total = meals.length;
    let tempPicked;
    let picked = [];
    for (let i=0; i < 7; i++) {
        tempPicked = tempMeals[Math.floor(Math.random() * total)];
        index = tempMeals.indexOf(tempPicked);
        total -= 1;
    return picked;

//Function to get meals on button click
function pushMeals () {
    let picked = getWeek();
    for (i=0;i<1;i++) {
        for (let j=0;j<3;j++){
            if (j === 0) {
                days[i][j].innerHTML = picked[i].name;
            else if (j === 1) {
                days[i][j].innerHTML = picked[i].ingredients;
            else if (j === 2) {
                days[i][j].innerHTML = picked[i].directions;
            else {
                days[i][j].innerHTML = 'There is an error. Try again.'