Simulate a hover over a span and extract text that appears on hover Selenium

There is a span with alt-text that will be displayed on hover. I’m trying to simulate a hover over this and trying to retreive the text that appeares on hover. This is the element.

<span aria-label-{"batman"} className="tooltip">
<img src-(Nocheck) alt-"Non-check issuing branch" data-testid="non-check-issuing-branch">

I have tried the following script.

String script = "var event = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {" +
                        "    'view': window," +
                        "    'bubbles': true," +
                        "    'cancelable': true" +
                        "});" +

        ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(script, elementToHoverOver);

I have also tried using Actions to directly perform the hover action. None of them seem to work. This is the xpath of the element.


Am I not accessing the right xpath for the hover? Any help is appreciated.