at the time of downloading files from s3 bucket one file is not able to download

this the file name in s3 when it downloaded using s3 client it save file with name anthi and with 0kb also file type shows file , wherever in s3 it is 100kb and file type is png

I am using fs to save the file locally with same name please help me

 const objects = await s3.listObjectsV2(listParams).promise();
        for (const object of objects.Contents) {
            if (object.Size >= MIN_FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES) {
                const fileKey = object.Key;
                const fileExtension = path.extname(fileKey).toLowerCase();
                if (allowedFileExtensions.includes(fileExtension)) {
                    const localFilePath = path.join(localDownloadFolder, path.basename(fileKey));
                    const data = await s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: fileKey }).promise();
                    fs.writeFileSync(localFilePath, data.Body);
                    // console.log(`File downloaded to: ${localFilePath}`);

I will be very thankful for any suggestion or advice.

i tried to download files form asw s3 bucket

it is failing to download file name (anthi:_anti_hair_thinning_hair_spray.png ) with column

as using fs to write file in folder

how could i fix this?