How to use signalr invoke a function from server side to cancel the upload progress?

Signalr backend controller setup:

namespace Antz.App.SignalR.Hubs
    public class ProgressHub : Hub
        public static bool IsCancelled = false;

        public void SendProgress(string progressMessage, int progressCount, int totalItems)
            var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ProgressHub>();
            var percentage = (progressCount * 100) / totalItems;
            hubContext.Clients.All.AddProgress(progressMessage, percentage + "%");

        public void IsCancelledUpload()
            IsCancelled = true;


signalrConnection = $.hubConnection("/SignalR", { useDefaultPath: false });
signalrProxy = signalrConnection.createHubProxy('ProgressHub');

signalrProxy.on('AddProgress', function (message, percentage) {



/* signalrConnection.logging = true;*/

signalrConnection.start({ transport: 'longPolling' }).then(function () {

    console.log("Connection Started");


signalrConnection.disconnected(function () {

    setTimeout(function () {
        signalrConnection.start({ transport: 'longPolling' }).then(function () {
            console.log("Connection Started");
    }, 3000);

signalrConnection.error(function (error) {

function UpdateProgressBar(percentage) {

    const progressBar = document.querySelector(".progress-bar"); = "1"; = percentage;
    progressBar.innerHTML = percentage;

    if (percentage === "100%") { = "";
        progressBar.innerHTML = "";


Upload function backend controller:

ProgressHub progressHub = new ProgressHub();

var refNoList = new List<string>();
await Task.Run(async () =>
    foreach (ArrayList row in data3)

        // skip row 1 as it's a header
        if (rowIndex == 1)

        progressHub.SendProgress("Process in progress...", rowIndex, totalRows);
        //await Task.Delay(5000); // Introduce a small delay

        bool all_pass = true;

        string docType = row[0].ToString().Trim();
        string refNo = row[1].ToString().Trim();
        string vendor = row[2].ToString().Trim();
        string remark = row[3].ToString().Trim();

I’ve tried to put a static field on the class ProgressHub and if the user was clicked the cancel button, the button will trigger the signalr to invoke the function IsCancelledUpload which is use to update the IsCancelled boolean to true. So Excel upload function will check if the boolean is true, the loop will be break. But using static is not a wise choice, so I’m seeking another approach for this.