Swiper – Ionic -Angular: When scrolling from last slide and then to the first one index is not reseting

Im using swiper to create a sliding array of number when user can scroll to select his weight. Swiper has [loop]="true" My problem is that once user has reached the limit in my case slider 7 and move to slider 1 the index does not restart to index 0 also if i scroll backwards from slide 1 to 7 i do not have the index updated in my case equal to 6. To have the correct index is very important bacause based on it i update the selected value.

How can I achieve the following goal/intention?

Here is my actual code :

Here is my component.html

    <ion-col size="10">
        style="height: 200px"
        <swiper-slide *ngFor="let option of sliderOptions">
            [ngClass]="option === sliderSelected ? 'fw-bold' : 'text-muted'"
            >{{ option }}</span

Here is my component.ts

sliderOptions: number[] = [];
  sliderOptionsOpts: any;
  sliderSelected: number = 1;

  checkMinMaxRange(max: number, min: number) {
    console.log("max min", max, min);
    const dataArray = this.createArrayFromRange(1, 7);
    this.sliderOptions = dataArray;
    this.sliderOptionsOpts = {
      slidesPerView: 1,
      centeredSlides: true,
      reverseDirection: true,
      initialSlide: this.sliderOptions.indexOf(this.sliderSelected),
      loop: true,

  createArrayFromRange(min: number, max: number): number[] {
    const length = max - min + 1;
    return Array.from({ length }, (_, index) => index + min);

  checkRangeSlide(event: any) {
    let activeIndex = event.detail[0].realIndex;
    const selectedValue = this.sliderOptions[activeIndex];
    const answerObject = {
      selectedValue: selectedValue + 1,
      activeIndex: activeIndex,
      object: event.detail[0],
    console.log("ANSWER:", answerObject);