Server sent events in pedestal returns empty response

I am currently implementing server sent events (SSE) in an web application using Clojure, Pedestal and Jetty.

When I print the message in the backend the channel is open and when I invoke io.pedestal.http.sse/send-event it returns true, however in the frontend I get no console.log() prints in Javascript in the browser console. as if there is no data received. I tested the SSE connection in Postman and it is successful but the response is (empty).


    (def SSE-REGISTRY (atom {}))
     (defn get-user-channel [token]    
       (get @SSE-REGISTRY token))
     (defn test-print [channel]    
       (println "channel:" channel) ;; channel:#object[clojure.core.async.impl.chan...]   
       (println "channel opened:" (not (chan/closed? channel))) ;; channel opened: true  
       (println "sent-event:" 
       (sse/send-event channel "status"
         (json/write-str {:id 1
                          :workflowId 3
                          :status :GOOD}) ;; sent-event: true
     (defn send-sse-msg [name data id]   
       (when-let [sse-channels (vals @SSE-REGISTRY)]
         (doseq [channel sse-channels] 
           (when-not (chan/closed? channel)
             (test-print channel)
             (sse/send-event channel name data id)))))   

(def sse-route ["/rest/sse" :get 
                  (sse/start-event-stream send-sse-msg 10 100) 
                  :route-name :sse])
     (defn create-sse-channel []   
        (async/chan (async/sliding-buffer 100)))

enter image description here


 const protocol = window.location.protocol;
const host = window.location.port; 
const sseUrl = protocol + '//'+ host + '/rest/sse';
const sseInitOptionsMap = {
                            headers: {
                                       'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8',
                                       'Connection': 'keep-alive', 
                                       'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' 
                            withCredentials: true,
                            https: {rejectUnauthorized: true}

export const eventSource = new EventSource(sseUrl, sseInitOptionsMap);
eventSource.addEventListener('integrationStatus', sendStatusHandler);
eventSource.addEventListener('stopAction', sendStopActionHandler);

eventSource.onopen = (e) => {
  console.log("SSE connection opened:" + e);

eventSource.onerror = (e) => {
  console.log("error:" + e);
  if (e.readyState == EventSource.CLOSED) {
      console.log("connection closed:" + e);
  } else {
    console.log("SSE connection closed:" + e);

export function sendStatusHandler(event) {
  const data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log("data:" + data);
  let id =;
  let workflowId = data.workflowId;
  let status = data.status;
  cljsDisp("set-global-operation-status", id, workflowId, status);
  configurtorActionRunButtonStatus(id, workflowId, status);
  setTimeout(cljsDisp("get-last-run-action-data", id, workflowId, status),

function configurtorActionRunButtonStatus (id, workflowId, status) {
  if (status === "GOOD") {
    showStatus(id, workflowId, true);
  } else if (status === "BAD") {
    showStatus(id, workflowId, true);
    cljsDisp("configurator-error-message-show", id, workflowId, true);
  } else {
    cljsDisp("configurator-action-run-button-status-visible?", id, workflowId, false);

export function sendStopWorkflowHandler(event) {
  const data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log("data:" + data); // prints nothing
  let workflowId = data.workflowId;
  cljsDisp("stop-action-by-sse-msg", workflowId);

function showStatus(integrationId, operationId, showStatus) {
                      integrationId, operationId, showStatus),

export function closeSse() {
  if (eventSource.readyState != eventSource.CLOSED) {

enter image description here

It seems I am missing something. Can you help. The problem is that there are not much examples of Clojure with Pedestal implementation of SSE. Most are in JavaScript and other languages.