How to use JavaScript’s sql-formatter library to parse a SQL statement that contains the nested concat function in the where condition

I want to implement a formatted SQL function on the front end. Among them, SQL may contain some mybatis-specific syntax, such as ‘#{var}’.
The input is SQL compressed into one line; the output is formatted SQL.
The figure below is an example of input and output:
figure of input and output example
input example:

select distinct a.name_order as "nameorder", #{authId}  as "authid", trim(authType) as "authType", concat('org-', a.org_icon) as "iconCls" from table_user a left join (select b.obj_type, b.obj_id from table_object a left join table_auth_data b on a.auth_id = where a.auth = aa) b on (b.obj_type = trim(a.auth_type) and b.object_id = aa)  where a.parent is null and trim(c.org_id) = #{org_Id} order by a.order asc

However, when I add the nested concat() function to the where part of the SQL statement, the parsing will fail, such as:

errer 1:

select distinct a.name_order as "nameorder", #{authId}  as "authid", trim(authType) as "authType", concat('org-', a.org_icon) as "iconCls" from table_user a left join (select b.obj_type, b.obj_id from table_object a left join table_auth_data b on a.auth_id = where a.auth = concat('a', concat('b', 'c'))) b on (b.obj_type = trim(a.auth_type) and b.object_id = aa)  where a.parent is null and trim(c.org_id) = #{org_Id} order by a.order asc

The error message is very long:

nearley.js:343 Uncaught Error: Parse error at token: ) at line 1 column 309
Unexpected CLOSE_PAREN token: {"type":"CLOSE_PAREN","raw":")","text":")","start":308}. Instead, I was expecting to see one of the following:

    property_access → atomic_expression _ ● %PROPERTY_ACCESS_OPERATOR _ property_access$subexpression$1
    atomic_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● property_access
    atomic_expression →  ● atomic_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● atomic_expression
    asteriskless_andless_expression →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression
    asteriskless_free_form_sql →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql
    free_form_sql →  ● free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    other_clause$ebnf$1 → other_clause$ebnf$1 ● free_form_sql
    other_clause → %RESERVED_CLAUSE ● other_clause$ebnf$1
    clause$subexpression$1 →  ● other_clause
    clause →  ● clause$subexpression$1
    expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 ● clause
    expressions_or_clauses → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$1 ● expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2
    statement →  ● expressions_or_clauses statement$subexpression$1
    main$ebnf$1 → main$ebnf$1 ● statement
    main →  ● main$ebnf$1
A LINE_COMMENT token based on:
    comment →  ● %LINE_COMMENT
    _$ebnf$1 → _$ebnf$1 ● comment
    _ →  ● _$ebnf$1
    property_access → atomic_expression ● _ %PROPERTY_ACCESS_OPERATOR _ property_access$subexpression$1
......Due to character limit, some error messages are omitted here.
A RESERVED_JOIN token based on:
    keyword$subexpression$1 →  ● %RESERVED_JOIN
    keyword →  ● keyword$subexpression$1
    atomic_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● keyword
    atomic_expression →  ● atomic_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● atomic_expression
    asteriskless_andless_expression →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression
    asteriskless_free_form_sql →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql
    free_form_sql →  ● free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    other_clause$ebnf$1 → other_clause$ebnf$1 ● free_form_sql
    other_clause → %RESERVED_CLAUSE ● other_clause$ebnf$1
    clause$subexpression$1 →  ● other_clause
    clause →  ● clause$subexpression$1
    expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 ● clause
    expressions_or_clauses → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$1 ● expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2
    statement →  ● expressions_or_clauses statement$subexpression$1
    main$ebnf$1 → main$ebnf$1 ● statement
    main →  ● main$ebnf$1

    at T.O.feed (nearley.js:343:27)
    at Object.parse (createParser.ts:33:34)
    at CA.parse (Formatter.ts:37:49)
    at CA.format (Formatter.ts:31:22)
    at tA (sqlFormatter.ts:96:57)
    at Module.sA (sqlFormatter.ts:69:10)
    at formatSQL (mybatis-xml - 副本.html:68:33)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (mybatis-xml - 副本.html:62:30)

error 2:

select distinct a.name_order as "nameorder", #{authId}  as "authid", trim(authType) as "authType", concat('org-', a.org_icon) as "iconCls" from table_user a left join (select b.obj_type, b.obj_id from table_object a left join table_auth_data b on a.auth_id = where a.auth = concat(trim(a), concat('b', 'c'))) b on (b.obj_type = trim(a.auth_type) and b.object_id = aa)  where a.parent is null and trim(c.org_id) = #{org_Id} order by a.order asc

The error message:

nearley.js:343 Uncaught Error: Parse error at token: ) at line 1 column 313
Unexpected CLOSE_PAREN token: {"type":"CLOSE_PAREN","raw":")","text":")","start":312}. Instead, I was expecting to see one of the following:

    property_access → atomic_expression _ ● %PROPERTY_ACCESS_OPERATOR _ property_access$subexpression$1
    atomic_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● property_access
    atomic_expression →  ● atomic_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● atomic_expression
    asteriskless_andless_expression →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression
    asteriskless_free_form_sql →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql
    free_form_sql →  ● free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    other_clause$ebnf$1 → other_clause$ebnf$1 ● free_form_sql
    other_clause → %RESERVED_CLAUSE ● other_clause$ebnf$1
    clause$subexpression$1 →  ● other_clause
    clause →  ● clause$subexpression$1
    expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 ● clause
    expressions_or_clauses → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$1 ● expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2
    statement →  ● expressions_or_clauses statement$subexpression$1
    main$ebnf$1 → main$ebnf$1 ● statement
    main →  ● main$ebnf$1
A LINE_COMMENT token based on:
    comment →  ● %LINE_COMMENT
    _$ebnf$1 → _$ebnf$1 ● comment
    _ →  ● _$ebnf$1
    property_access → atomic_expression ● _ %PROPERTY_ACCESS_OPERATOR _ property_access$subexpression$1
    atomic_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● property_access
    atomic_expression →  ● atomic_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1 →  ● atomic_expression
    asteriskless_andless_expression →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression$subexpression$1
    asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_andless_expression
    asteriskless_free_form_sql →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    free_form_sql$subexpression$1 →  ● asteriskless_free_form_sql
    free_form_sql →  ● free_form_sql$subexpression$1
    other_clause$ebnf$1 → other_clause$ebnf$1 ● free_form_sql
    other_clause → %RESERVED_CLAUSE ● other_clause$ebnf$1
    clause$subexpression$1 →  ● other_clause
    clause →  ● clause$subexpression$1
    expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2 ● clause
    expressions_or_clauses → expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$1 ● expressions_or_clauses$ebnf$2
    statement →  ● expressions_or_clauses statement$subexpression$1
    main$ebnf$1 → main$ebnf$1 ● statement
    main →  ● main$ebnf$1
......Due to character limit, some error messages are omitted here.

    at T.O.feed (nearley.js:343:27)
    at Object.parse (createParser.ts:33:34)
    at CA.parse (Formatter.ts:37:49)
    at CA.format (Formatter.ts:31:22)
    at tA (sqlFormatter.ts:96:57)
    at Module.sA (sqlFormatter.ts:69:10)
    at formatSQL (mybatis-xml - 副本.html:68:33)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (mybatis-xml - 副本.html:62:30)
T.O.feed @ nearley.js:343
parse @ createParser.ts:33
parse @ Formatter.ts:37
format @ Formatter.ts:31
tA @ sqlFormatter.ts:96
sA @ sqlFormatter.ts:69
formatSQL @ mybatis-xml - 副本.html:68


Complete code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>SQL parse</title>
        .container {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: column;
            align-items: center;
            justify-content: space-around;
            margin-top: 10px;

        .xml-container {
            padding: 10px;
            width: 75%;
            overflow: auto;

        .xml-container pre {
            font-size: 18px;
            min-height: 40px;
            border: 1px solid #ccc; 
            padding: 10px; 
            overflow-y: auto; 

    <div class="container">
        <div class="xml-container">
            <pre id="originalXml" contenteditable></pre>
        <button id="parseButton">parse SQL</button>
        <div class="xml-container">
            <h3>parsed data</h3>
            <pre id="parsedData" style="font-size: 18px;"></pre>

    <script src=""></script>

        var parseButton = document.getElementById("parseButton");

        var originalXmlPre = document.getElementById("originalXml");

        var loopParsedDataPre = document.getElementById("parsedData");

        parseButton.addEventListener("click", function () {

            var xmlString = originalXmlPre.textContent;
            var parsedData = formatSQL(xmlString);
            loopParsedDataPre.textContent = parsedData;


        function formatSQL(sql) {
            return sqlFormatter.format(sql, {
                language: 'sql',
                paramTypes: {
                    custom: [
                        { regex: String.raw`#{(.+?)}`},

                        { regex: String.raw`trim(.+?)`, flags: 'i'},
                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat.+?concat.+?))`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 


my attempt:

I tried to use the custom regular function of sqlFormatter to solve the problem, but at best it could only solve a simple concat(). It completely failed for nested concat() and concat() containing trim().
Regular definition code:

function formatSQL(sql) {
            return sqlFormatter.format(sql, {
                language: 'sql',
                paramTypes: {
                    custom: [
                        { regex: String.raw`#{(.+?)}`},

                        { regex: String.raw`trim(.+?)`, flags: 'i'},
                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat.+?concat.+?))`, flags: 'i'}, 

                        { regex: String.raw`concat(.+?)concat(.+?)`, flags: 'i'}, 