Angular ngbmodal: prevent closing of form modal if there is error from backend validation

Many components will use this modal hence used a dynamic approach where on adding a food item, a modal with a form will open to let the user add his details. However, for the check on backend for duplicate items, i can only retrieve that after the api call has finished.

The thing is I dont want the modal to be close if there is error as user has to fill all his details again.

Here is my code. I have used third party libraries for modal and toast.

food.component.ts :

addFood(data: any){
    this.api.request('foodItem', 'POST', data).subscribe({
        next: (response: any) => {
            if (response.message == 'Added Successfully.') {
                this._toastService.showSuccess('Food added.');
            } else {
        complete: () => this.getFood(),
        error: (error: any) => this._toastService.showError(error.message)


 <app-custom-table [tableData]="tableData" [form]="formData" [columnArray]="columnArray" (onAdd)="addFood($event)" (onEdit)="editFood($event)"></app-custom- 

custom – table.component.html

<button type = "button" class="btn btn-link"(click) = "openModal()"[disabled] = "isRowSelected"><span>Add</span></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link"(click) = "openModal(selectedRow)"[disabled] = "isRowNotSelected"></i><span>Edit</span></button>

custom – table.component.ts :

openModal(rowData: any = null) {
    const config: Partial<DynamicFormComponent> = {
        form: this.form,
        data: rowData

    const options: NgbModalOptions = { size: 'sm', centered: true };, config, options).subscribe((result: any) => {
        if (result.Success == true && result.Data) {
            if (rowData) {
                const updatedRowData = { ...rowData, ...result.Data };
                // If rowData is provided, it's an edit operation
            } else { //add