tensorflow no output (tf beginner level)

I’m having a problem with my tensorflow code, it won’t output anything about the prediction and losses of my model. here’s the code

const model = tf.sequential();

model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 4, inputShape: [3], activation: 'sigmoid' }));

model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 3, activation: 'sigmoid' }));


  optimizer: tf.train.sgd(0.1),

  loss: "meanSquaredError",


const input = tf.tensor2d([





const target = tf.tensor2d([





train().then(() => {

  console.log("training complete");

  const prediction = model.predict(input);



async function train() {

  for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

    const response = await model.fit(input, target, {

      epochs: 20,

      shuffle: true,





I’ve tried tweaking, put random values in the arrays (inputs outputs) but I never got my expected results! which is just some loss value and the goal data

can you please see what’s wrong with my code?
