Zustand not rerendering

I am a beginner to Zustand. I have a simple use case where there are parent, child components. In the child component, I am using Zustand to update the state, it is getting logged but not re-rendering, could someone please help?

This is the related sandbox – link

Edit: Not sure why sandbox is not loading, I have pasted the code below.


import { shallow } from "zustand/shallow";
import useStore, { testType } from "./store";

const selector = (state: testType) => ({
  type1: state.type1,
  setValue: state.setValue,

export default () => {
  const { type1, setValue } = useStore(selector, shallow);

  return (
      onChange={(e) => setValue("0", "label", e.target.value)}


import Child from "./Child";

export default function Home() {
  return <Child />;


import create from "zustand";

export type testType = {
  type1: Map<string, Map<string, any>>;
  setValue: (key: string, mapKey: string, mapValue: any) => void;

const testMap = new Map([["label", "testValue"]]);
const testMap2 = new Map([["0", testMap]]);

const useStore = create<testType>((set, get) => ({
  type1: testMap2,
  setValue: (key: string, mapKey: string, mapValue: any) => {
    const tempType1 = get().type1;
    const specificType1 = tempType1.get(key);
    specificType1!.set(mapKey, mapValue);
    tempType1.set(key, specificType1!);
      type1: tempType1,

export default useStore;