How to create a MongoDB Array and use it on node.js?

I am creating a Discord Bot, this is a problem I faced when I try to create an Array of data for MongoDB.

I don’t have a bigger knowledge of MongoDB. So actually I don’t know how to work with MongoDB arrays.


const {Schema, model} = require('mongoose');

const countersSchema = new Schema({
    Guild: { type: String, required: true },
    Counters: [
            Names: { type: String, required: true },
            Types: { type: String, required: true },
            Channels: { type: String, required: true }

module.exports = model(`counters`, countersSchema);

I tried to create an array in here. I’m not sure whether this is correct or wrong.

The thing I want to do is, let users create counters for their Discord servers. And I want them to only allow max 5 counters per server. So I created this schema to store that data for each counter they create.

I want this Guild value to be unique. which is the id of the server. And I want Names , Types & Channels to be an arrays of up to 5 values and falls under the Guild value.


const counterChannels = require('../../Schemas/CountersSchema');

const data = async (interaction) => {
    try {
        return await counterChannels.findOne({ Guild: });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error while fetching counters:', error);
        return null;

const existingCounter = await data(interaction);

if (existingCounter) {
    // Check if the maximum number of counters is reached
    if (existingCounter.Counters.length >= 5) {

    await counterChannels.updateOne(
    { Guild: },
        $push: {
        Counters: {
            Names: givenName, // givenName Declaration not included.
            Types: counterType, // counterType Declaration not included.
            Channels: // createdCounter Declaration not included.

} else {
    await counterChannels.create({
    Counters: [{
        Names: givenName,
        Types: counterType,

This is only a part of the Counters.js file. This is how I tried to find if there are any previous data is available in the db.
And if no data available, I want to create a new entry under the guild id and assign these 3 values to that array.
If previous data available, I only want to assign new values to the array and keep the Guild as it is.

So, I want your help in here to correctly do this. I don’t think I have done this correctly.

There is one more thing. That is how to call the data using the array.


const serverCounters = require('../Schemas/CountersSchema');

async execute (member) {
   const data = await serverCounters.find({Guild:});
   if(!data.length) return;

   const counterType = => doc.Types);
   const counterChannel = => doc.Channels);
   const counterName = => doc.Names);

in this code, I want to check is there counter data available for the server. just like the previous Counters.js file. After that, I want to devide the data according to the values of Types. So let’s say if one of the values in Types array is 'Total Members', then I want to get the values of the other two arrays that are included along with the 'Total Members' for Types.

So, this is what I’m looking for the help with.

  • Create 3 arrays with up to 5 different values. Named Types , Names , and Channels under the Guild.
  • Check if there are already 5 values for that 3 arrays under the interacting guild’s id. (in Counters.js)
  • If no data available, create new entry for that guild.
  • If less than 5 values available, insert current data to that 3 arrays also.
  • Find corresponding values of the Names and Channels arrays using values of Types array.