WordPress: Custom block array caching on system

I’ve built a custom block that takes values from apiFetch and maps them into an array of attributes. The problem is I think the custom block has cached on the system so the attribute array isn’t updating with the values. Here is the code.
Edit.js is where I am mapping the values and the function adds to the array

const { backgroundColor, textColor, selectedValue, myNumber, menuItems  } = attributes;

    function upadateMenuItems (src, heading, para, href, index){
        const updateMenuItems = [...menuItems];
        updateMenuItems[index] = { src: src, heading: heading, para: para, href: href };
        setAttributes({ menuItems: updateMenuItems });


        <p class="blog-stamp-parent">
                {newArray.filter((m, idx) => idx < myNumber && m.catagory == selectedValue).map((m) => {

                    return (
                        <div class="blog-stamp">
                            <img src={m.image} width="200" height="200" />
                                onChange={(heading) => upadateMenuItems(src, heading, para, href)}
                                onChange={(para) => upadateMenuItems(src, heading, para, href)}
                            <p class="button-parent">
                                    style={{ backgroundColor: backgroundColor, color: textColor }}
                                    {'Read more'}

block.json converts the values into an array of attributes

    "attributes": {
        "content": {
          "type": "string",
          "source": "html",
          "selector": "h2"
            "source": "query",
            "selector": "div",
            "query" : {
                "src": {
                    "source": "attribute",
                    "selector": "img",
                    "attribute": "src"
                "heading": {
                    "type": "string"
                "para": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "selector": "p",
                    "source" : "text"
                "href": {
                    "source": "attribute",
                    "selector": "a",
                    "attribute": "href"

Save.js is where it takes the menuItems array and renders it on the website

import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

export default function save({attributes}) {
    const { backgroundColor, textColor, selectedValue, myNumber, menuItems  } = attributes;
    const mapFile =  menuItems.map(({src, heading, para, href}) => { 
        return (
        <div class="blog-stamp"><img src={src} width="200" height="200" /><h3 class="stamp-title">{heading}</h3><p class="stamp-excerpt">{para}</p><p class="button-parent"><a href={href} class="sfs-button" style={{ backgroundColor: backgroundColor, color: textColor }}>Read more</a></p></div>) });
    return (
        <div{ ...useBlockProps.save() }>
        <p class="blog-stamp-parent">{mapFile}</p>

It was working but now isn’t so think its cached. I’ve been trying to solve it for the last 2 days but can’t figure it out so any help will be appriciated.

Thanks in advance.