How to break recieve messages for 20 minutes after recieve for one time?

I have a websocket client that listens for incoming messages.
When a name is received, which is what I’m waiting for, it should be printed immediately in the console. It happens that the same name is sent from the server several times within minutes. At this point I would like to take a break of 20 minutes for this name. but not for other names. I’m very grateful for any help as I’m still learning.

This is a snippet from my client.which also works in my client

socket.addEventListener("message", event => {
.then(dat=> {if(dat.includes('examplehere')) {
var A =  JSON.parse(txt.replace(/.*?({.*}).*/, "$1")) 
const Name = A.N
} else   
if(Name === 'Jhon'){
if(Name === 'Julia'{
