Phpfox V2 New Plugin Created

I need a programmer that is already familiar with PHPfox v2.5+. I need a plugin created that works like the tag system at

Basically it does several things. Members can send tags or “stickers” to other members and the tags would show up on a box on the receiving members page. There would be space for 6 tags on the members page and then the oldest would fall off into another page that is for tags for that specific member.

The tags are selected from predefined tags that are saved to my site. The tags would be in categories and have keywords and members would be able to search for tags. Members can submit tags, but they must be pre-approved by staff or admin before they would show up. It should be called stickers instead of tags though. (So each member would have a “sticker” section.

That is a basic description. It may help if you look at how it actually works by taking a look at it at

Remember only bid if you already know the phpfox v2 system.

The script would need to be able to be installed using the phpfox hook system. No modification to the core files at all. It would be that I would be able to upload this script files, then go to the phpfox admin and install with the standard add-on install procedure.

I would have full rights to this project. If you have questions, then PMB me. Thanks.

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