course schedule creation automation [closed]


Project Name: Weekly Schedule

Developable Platform: You can develop for Web, Desktop or Mobile platforms using any programming language you want.

`Project Features:

Class Hours
Course Codes
Teachers or Instructors
Example Schedule:`

You can use the Computer Programming Weekly Schedule as an example.


You can get help from a friend on the project. However, there will be no copying. Otherwise, you will not be successful.
Help Request**

I am looking for help with this project. I am specifically looking for help with the following:

Which languages should I use?
How do I update the table elements with JavaScript?

Additional Information

I am currently learning JavaScript, but I am still a beginner. I am looking for someone who can help me understand the concepts and provide guidance on how to implement them.

I made the homepage of my project with the help of artificial intelligence with node js and express js and ejs template, unfortunately I could not connect the database, then I opened a topic here to see how to do it easier.