JsonRpcProvider broadcasted sending function

Would you please give me advice on what is a method to broadcast my signed TX into the network? Can find any %send% method for provider instance

Here is my code snippet:

export async function signAndBroadcast(address, rawTransaction, jrpcUrl, key) {
    const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(jrpcUrl)
    expect( await checkBalance(address, provider)).toBe(true)
    // Initialize a new Wallet instance
    const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, provider);
    // Parse the raw transaction
    const tx = ethers.Transaction.from(rawTransaction);
    tx.nonce = await provider.getTransactionCount(wallet.address)
    const { name, chainId } = await provider.getNetwork()
    tx.chainId = chainId
    tx.value = ethers.parseUnits('32', 'ether')
    tx.gasLimit = 1000000
    tx.gasPrice = undefined
    tx.type = 2
    // Sign the transaction
    const signedTransaction = await wallet.signTransaction(tx);
    console.log("TX signed: " + signedTransaction)
    // Send the signed transaction
    const transactionResponse = await provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction) // no function sendTransaction

        .then((transactionResponse) => {
            console.log('Transaction broadcasted, transaction hash:', transactionResponse.hash);
        .catch((error) => {
            console.error('Error:', error);
        }).finally(() => {

Thank you in advance!