Implementing Clean Architecture with Next.js 14 for E-commerce Project

Hello Stack Overflow community,

I’m starting a new e-commerce project from scratch using Next.js 14 and I’m interested in adopting a clean architecture approach for better maintainability and scalability. I’ve read about the benefits of clean architecture in software development, but I’m unsure about the specific steps and best practices when implementing it with Next.js 14.

Could someone provide guidance or share their experiences on how to structure a Next.js 14 project following clean architecture principles? Are there any recommended libraries or tools that work well with Next.js for achieving a clean and modular codebase?

I want to make informed decisions from the beginning of the project, so any insights, code examples, or recommended resources would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, I’ve started exploring the official Next.js 14 documentation and various articles on clean architecture principles. However, I haven’t yet found concrete examples or best practices specifically tailored for Next.js 14.

In my initial attempts, I began structuring the project with separate folders for components, pages, and API routes, but I’m uncertain about how to effectively implement clean architecture concepts like separating business logic from infrastructure concerns.

I expected to find more community-driven insights or examples related to Next.js 14 and clean architecture, but my searches haven’t yielded comprehensive results.

Any advice, code snippets, or practical examples from the community would greatly assist me in steering the project in the right direction.

Thank you!