Are there any issues using reacts useSyncExternalStore with Nextjs and the App router?

I was wondering if there are any issues using the useSyncExternalStore hook with Nextjs 13+ and the app directory? I know redux suggests you do no global stores Redux with nextjs due the the way nextjs handles requests. i was curious if the same would be true for the useSyncExternalStore hook doing something like the following:

import { useSyncExternalStore } from 'react'

function createStore(initialStore) {
  let store = initialStore
  const listeners = new Set()

  function setStore(newStore) {
    store = newStore
    listeners.forEach(listener => listener(store))

  function subscribe(listener) {
    return () => listeners.delete(listener)

  function getStore() {
    return store

  function useStore() {
    return useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getStore)

  return [useStore, setStore, getStore]

export const [useStore, setStore, getStore] = createStore({ count: 0 })

Are there some gotchas here that I should be aware of because this is technically a global store as well? Any input here would be appreciated before I go and use something that could possibly not work.