Javascript WebSocket: Receiving messages from discord

So. I have a app that communicates with Javascript with a WebView2 Object, in C# WinForms. However, Most of the handling messages is done in javascript/html of course, so i setup a websocket, and it somewhat works? My and ONLY my messages content(s) are being shown, like, if i send a message, then it’ll log it in the console, with the profile picture and all. But if someone else sends a message, then it’ll log the profile picture and name, but not the message content? And then the websocket closes. My token is valid as well.

var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
var interval = 0;

payload = {
    op: 2
    , d: {
        token: ""
        , intents: 512
        , properties: {
            $os: "linux", // this works fine
            $browser: "chrome"
            , $device: "chrome"
        , }
    , }
, };

ws.addEventListener("open", function open(x) {

ws.addEventListener("message", function incoming(data) {
    var x =;
    var payload = JSON.parse(x);
    const {
        , event
        , op
        , d
    } = payload;
    switch (op) {
    case 10:
        const {
        } = d;
        setInterval(() => {
                op: 2
                , d: null
        }, heartbeat_interval);
    switch (t) {
        // yes targetChannelId is CORRECT.
    case "MESSAGE_CREATE":
        if (d.channel_id === targetChannelId) {
            var final = {
                , content: d.content
                , image: `${ ? `${}/${}.png` : 'N/A'}`
            appendMessageWithFrame(final); // call
            // this is where i'm confused. d.content is blank when someone else types? but when i type its not blank??
            console.log(`${}: ${d.content}, Avatar URL: ${ ? `${}/${}.png` : 'N/A'}`);

Tried double-checking my token, it was obviously correct, checked targetChannelId, ALSO correct, checked the d array, still, correct, until someone else types, then d.content is empty and the websocket breaks.