Typescript generics: union of generic types that extend string

I have a function that takes one parameter of type: Options. Type Options contains a couple of properties (obj1 and obj2) that are basically plain old js objects and an item property whose value should be a key of obj1 or a key of obj2. Is it possible to achieve this in typescript? Here’s what I tried:

declare function f<t1 extends string = never, t2 extends string = never>(opts?: Options<t1, t2>): void;

export interface Options<t1 extends string = never, t2 extends string = never> {
    obj1: {[K in t1]: any}
    obj2: {[K in t2]: any}
    item: t1 | t2;

// this should work but doesn't
    obj1: {
        red: null,
        green: null
    obj2: {
        black: null,
        white: null
    item: 'white'

Basically I was hoping that type argument t1 would resolve to red | green and t2 to black | white so that t1 | t2 would resolve to red | green | black | white. Instead what happens seems to be that t1 | t2 is first resolved to white, then both t1 and t2 are inferred to be white as well. Any hint?